2015 m. rugsėjo 30 d., trečiadienis

4-asis singlo "Criminal" gimtadienis

Šiandien dvigubas jubiliejus. Savo 4-ąjį pasirodymo gimtadienį švenčia septintojo Britney albumo "Femme Fatale" ketvirtasis singlas "Criminal". Singlą prodiusavo Max Martin kartu su Tiffany Amber. Daina pasirinkta tapti singlu atsižvelgiant į gerbėjų pageidavimus Facebook puslapyje. Vaizdo klipe, kuris buvo nufilmuotas Londone mes pamatome daugybę skirtingų Britney pusių.

Serialo "Jane The Virgin" filmavimai

Pasirodė informacija, kad Spalio 1,2,5 ir 6 dienomis Britney keliaus į serialo "Jane The Virgin" filmavimo aikštelę. Ko pasekoje galime tikėtis, kad jau rytoj pasirodys nuotraukos iš filmavimo vietos. Sėkmės Britney!

Rugsėjo 29d. - Britney lankosi įrašų studijoje

17-asis singlo "...Baby One More Time" gimtadienis

Neįtikėtina, tačiau šiandien sukanka lygiai 17 metų, kuomet Britney išleido savo debiutinį singlą ..."Baby One More Time", kuris pakeitė pop muzikos pasaulį. Singlą sukūrė prodiuseris Max Martin ir Rami, išleista 1998 metais. Dainoje pasakojama apie jaunos merginos jausmus po išsiskyrimo su vaikinu. Singlas sulaukė fantastiškos sėkmės, užėmė #1 vietą visose pasaulio muzikos topuose, kuriuose tik buvo pasirodęs. Net gi ir Jungtinėje Karalystėje, kur singlas tapo du kartus platininiu, bei tapo geriausiai perkamu 1999 metų singlu. Singlas sulaukė daugybės apdovanojimų, tarp jų ir perkamiausio singlo muzikos istorijoje titulą, parduota daugiau nei 10mln. kopijų.
Iki šiandien singlas "...Baby One More Time" išlieka pop muzikos klasika, kuris pakeitė pop muzikos industriją. Dar ir šiandien šis singlas skamba taip, lyg buvo išleistas dar tik vakar. #HappyBirthdayBabyOneMoreTime!

Britney yra "pavojingiausia" garsenybė internete

Kompanija "Intel Security" paskelbė pačių pavojingiausių garsenybių sąrašą. Šiais metais Britney užėmė #1 vietą tarp moterų ir #4 vietą bendrame visame reitinge. Pavojingumas pasižymi tuo, kad kuomet jūs į paieškos lauką įvedate garsenybės vardą, to pasekoje iššoka papildomi langai, kurie vagia jūsų asmeninė informaciją arba atlieka neleistinus veiksmus. Plačiau galite perskaityti šiame puslapyje.

“Cybercriminals are always looking for ways to take advantage of consumer interest around popular culture events including award shows, TV show and movies premieres, album releases, celebrity breakups, and more,” Intel states. “They capitalize on this interest by enticing unsuspecting consumers to sites laden with malware, which enables them to steal passwords and personal information.”

2015 m. rugsėjo 29 d., antradienis

Laimėk nerealų Britney puodelį

Jau ankščiau mūsų minėtas tinklapis "BritneyByMe.com" organizuoja žaidimą, kurio pagrindinis prizas yra nerealus animacinis Britney puodukas. Viskas ką jums reikia padaryti, tai apsilankyti šiame puslapyje ir sudalyvauti žaidime, kuomet turite aprengti pačia atlikėją. Žemiau taisyklės, beje dalyvauti gali visi pasaulio gerbėjai:

1. Access www.BritneyByMe.com and create your own Britney. Be creative, imaginative and fun!

2. You need to take a picture or your result (it can be a picture of your monitor or a screen shot).

3. Share your picture on social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr or all of them);

4. Be sure to tag/mention @BritneyByMe

5. And the last–but definitely not least–use the hashtag #DressUpNEY! Again, use the Hashtag!

⭐This raffle is open to fans around the globe, and includes free international shipping! ⭐

#1 - "Piece Of Me" koncertų sėkmė

"Billboard" paskelbė naujausius duomenys apie "Piece Of Me" koncertų skaičius. Koncertai įvykę Rugsėjo 2,4,5 ir 9 dienomis surinko beveik 2 mln. JAV dolerių, juose apsilankė 13 757 žmonių. Šie skaičiai leido Britney užkopti į #1 vietą tarp daugiausiai uždirbusių koncertų. Šiuo metu "Piece Of Me" koncertai surinko 60 mln. JAV dolerių pajamų. Plačiau galite peržiūrėti šiame puslapyje.

Madonna į sceną pasikvietė Britney antrininką

Pop muzikos karalienė Madonna koncertinio turo "Rebel Heart Tour" nustebino visus susirinkusius savo gerbėjus. Atlikdama dainą "Unapologetic Bitch" atlikėja į sceną pasikvietė visiems mums puikiai žinoma Britney antrininką - Derrick Berry. Vaikinas scenoje pasirodė su nuotakos suknele įkvėpta Britney pasirodymu iš "MTV Video Music Awards 2003" apdovanojimų.

Holivudo šlovės alėja - Britney Spears

Britney Spears​ yra jauniausia garsenybė gavusi žvaigždę Holivudo šlovės alėjoje. Praėjus vos 5-iems metams nuo karjeros pradžios, 2003 metais atlikėja gavo savo asmeninę žvaigždę. Būdama 21-ių metų amžiaus ji buvo įtakingiausia pasaulio garsenybė!

Nauja Britney gerbėjos susitikimo istorija

Britney gerbėja Rachel Schell pasidalino su mumis visais savo susitikimo su atlikėja "Piece Of Me" koncerto metu istorija:

I met Britney Spears for the second time on 9.9.15. It was the best experience of my life!

Earlier that day, around noon when we went to pick up our VIP tickets, we saw Fe and Jamie! We talked to Fe for 30 minutes. She even recorded a video for me, reminding me not to be nervous for that night and just to be myself. J She is seriously one of the sweetest people I have ever met!

That night, I asked to go last in the M&G lineup. I wanted to have as much time with Britney as possible. When I walked up behind the scaffolding she stands in front of, I could see her shadow- and I saw I got Ponytailney! I was SOOO excited! She had been killing it the past few shows with that ponytail! My stomach dropped and I suddenly got really nervous. I turned to Fe and said, “I can’t do it”. She immediately grabbed my shoulders and said “yes you can, you did it last year, you can do it again!” I quickly gathered myself and realized that this was my moment- and I was gonna make the best of it!

I came around the corner and there she was, so beautiful! Just like the first time, she took my breath away for a split second! Then, I held out my hand and introduced myself. “Hi Britney, I’m Rachel!” She lit up and said ‘Hi, so nice to meet you!”.I said, “you look so beautiful!” and she goes “you do too!” I showed her my Slave outfit, and she said, “this is as close to my outfit as I’ve ever seen, you did a great job!” Then she saw I had a headset on, and was like “oh my goodness, you even wore a headset! You are so adorable” AHH! Britney Spears, my idol, just called me adorable. Life made!

I then proceeded to show her my “new” tattoos, that I had gotten for her since I met her the first time. I showed her the My Prerogative one first. She LOVED it! She grabbed my arm and goes “oh my gosh, I LOVE this!” I said ”you do??” and she said “YES, I LOVE IT!!!”! So I started jumping up and down that she liked it so much, and she started cracking up! So did the rest of her team that was in the room! I then showed her my “not alone” behind my ear, and told her how much Alien has touched my life and how much it spoke to me. She said she was glad the song meant so much to me, and that it was one of her favorites too. J I told her it reminds me I’m never alone- no matter what situation I am in.

After that, she pointed ON my belly to my bellybutton ring, and said “I love your bellybutton ring, it’s so cute!” She then proceeded to pull up her own shirt and SHOW ME HER BELLY! She showed me how she had just a ring, no charm, and she goes “see, I don’t have a star like yours! I need one! I need to go buy one!” LOL- dying! I just saw the Queen’s amazing abs up close and personal! Wow!

Britney then asked me how old I was and where I was from. I told her that I was from Indiana and that I was 31, almost her age, and that I felt like I had grown up with her and her music. I told her once again (as I had last time), that she continues to inspire me everyday, not as Britney the performer, but Britney the person. I told her she has made me a better person, and that I was so proud to be a fan.

I then decided to end the M&G on a high note, and on my own terms. I told Britney I had an idea for a pose, and she said “of course!” Then we held hands and did the peace sign! It was the perfect moment. J Britney was so talkative this time, and her team seemed happy to have me there. Than she also told Anthony (from galaxy) to tell her she said “HI” which i thought was SO COOl, because I did not even mention his name! I have to tell everyone how blessed and lucky I am to have met my idol twice! I feel so happy and I am still on cloud 9. e I did not even mention his name! I am so happy to be a part of the Britney Army, and a fan of the best woman on earth! These 2 times I’ve met her have been the BEST days of my life. Thanks Britney Army, and Britney-Galaxy for posting my story! Love you all!

2015 m. rugsėjo 28 d., pirmadienis

Balsavimas: "Super Smash Bros."

Dar balandžio mėnesi, Nintendo sukūrė balsavimą, kurio metu klausė visų žaidėjų, ką jie norėtų matyti populiariame žaidime "Super Smash Bros.". Dar 2002 metais Britney buvo perkelta į video žaidimų pasaulį, todėl tikrai būtų smagu pamatyti atlikėją šiame žaidime. Balsavimas galite šiame puslapyje iki spalio 3d.

Britney kartu su dukterėčia Lexie "Universal Studio"

Britney lankosi "Universal Studio"

Sekmadienio popiete Britney kartu su savo šeima apsilankė pramogų komplekse "Universal Studio" Kalifornijoje. Žemiau pačios atlikėjos pranešimai ir video medžiaga:

A video posted by Britney Spears (@britneyspears) on

2015 m. rugsėjo 27 d., sekmadienis

Naujas Britney Spears​ Instagram įrašas

Rugsėjo 26d. - Britney lankosi Rockit šokių studijoje

Britney kartu su dukterėčia Lexie buvo užfiksuotos besilankančios Rockit šokių studijoje, kuri yra įsikūrusi Kalabaso rajone, Kalifornijoje. Šioje šokių studijoje atlikėja jau ne pirmą kartą moko mergaites choreografijos. 

A video posted by Britney Spears (@britneyspears) on

Vaizdo klipas "I Wanna Go" perkopė 200 mln. peržiūrų ribą

Vaizdo klipas singlui "I Wanna Go" perkopė 200 mln. peržiūrų ribą VEVO kanale! Sveikinimai Britney Spears​!

Naujas Britney Instagram video įrašas

A video posted by Britney Spears (@britneyspears) on

2015 m. rugsėjo 26 d., šeštadienis

Laidos "Best Time Ever" vaizdo įrašas

Dar vienas ilgesnis vaizodo įrašas iš Britney Spears​ pasirodymo laidoje "Best Time Ever". Šioje dalyje rodoma, kaip atlikėja praneša apsauginiams, kad tai buvo tik pokštas. Žiūrim!

Naujas Simon Ellis remiksas

Prodiuseris Simon Ellis pamalonino visus Britney gerbėjus dar karta ir išleido dar viena singlo "Circus" remiksas, kuris dar geresnis už prieš tai buvusi. Laukiam nesulaukiam naujų jo darbų!

7-asis singlo "Womanizer" gimtadienis

Lygiai prieš 7-ius metus pasaulį išvydo naujosios Britney singlas "Womanizer", kuris privertė pasaulį pamiršti jos asmeninį gyvenimą ir pagaliau vėl atkreipti dėmesį į jos muzikinį talentą. Pasigrožėkite nuostabiu vaizdo klipu!

2015 m. rugsėjo 25 d., penktadienis

"The Intimate" kolekcijos pristatymas Australijoje

Pasirodė naujos informacijos, kad rugsėjo 30d. Australijos sostinėje Sidnėjuje įvyks Britney kolekcijos "The Intimate" pristatymas. Yra didelė tikimybė, kad pati atlikėja pasirodys ant raudonojo kilimo, mat dar gegužės mėnesi minėjo apie planus svečiuotis Australijoje. Laukiam daugiau naujienų!

Geriausias žurnalo "Entertainment Weekly" viršelis

Pasiruoškime dar vienam nedideliam balsavimui. Šiais metais žurnalas "Entertainment Weekly" nori sužinoti, kuris jų viršelis buvo pats geriausias - "Best Magazine Cover". Balsuoti už Britney galite šiame puslapyje.

"After decades of Must Lists, Bullseyes, and End-of-the-Year rundowns, this year marks the 25th anniversary of Entertainment Weekly. Published in 1990, the first issue featured singer k. d. lang on the cover and included coverage on the 32nd Annual Grammy Awards, Born on the Fourth of July, and the latest album from M.C. Hammer. In the quarter-century since, stars from Johnny Depp to Emma Watson to Oprah have made appearances as EW cover stars.

In recognition of the magazine’s 25th anniversary, EW editors combed through more than a thousand issues to pick their 25 favorite covers. Ahead, select your top five of the group to continue the hunt for the best Entertainment Weekly cover of the past 25 years. The winning cover will appear in an upcoming issue of EW. Voting ends at 12 p.m. ET on Oct. 1."

Rugsėjo 24d. - Britney lankėsi įrašų studijoje Kalifornijoje

2015 m. rugsėjo 24 d., ketvirtadienis

Naujas Britney Twitter pranešimas

Britney gerina laidos "Best Time Ever" reitingus

Vienas dalykas yra tikrai aiškus, kad Britney gerbėjai puikiai moka demonstruoti savo meilę ir ištikimybę atlikėjai. Antradienio laidos "Best Time Ever" epizodas kartu su Britney sulaukė didžiausio žiūrovų dėmesio ir pagerino reitingus demografinėje riboje 18-49 metų amžiuje. Dar ir šiandien visas pasaulis negali atsižiūrėti, kaip nuostabiai Britney pasirodė laidoje.

"On NBC, The Voice earned a 3.4, down a tenth from yesterday’s 3.5 adults 18-49 premiere rating. Best Time Ever with Neil Patrick Harris notched a 2.2 from last week’s 1.9 adults 18-49 rating."

Tyson Beckford kalba apie Britney koncertą "Piece Of Me"

Naujausiame savo interviu modelis Tyson Beckford pasidalino savo gražiais prisiminimais apie Britney ir jo dalyvavimą "Piece Of Me" koncerte. Žiūrėkite nuo 17:50 min.

14-asis singlo "I'm Slave 4 U" gimtadienis

2001 metais, Britney išleido neįtikėtinos sėkmės sulaukusi singlą "I'm Slave 4 U" iš trečiojo albumo "Britney". Singlas buvo išleistas rugsėjo 24 diena, o jį prodiusavo Chad Hugo ir Pharrell Williams. Daina pasiekė Top-5 beveik visose pasaulio šalyse, kur tik jis buvo oficialiai išleistas. Net gi ir šiandien, praėjus 14-ai metų, tiek singlas, tiek pats vaizdo klipas pribloškia savo seksualumu, o šokio choreografija yra labiausiai atpažįstama per visą Britney karjerą.

Naujas Britney Twitter pranešimas

Simon Ellis remiksas dainai "Circus"

Pagaliau sulaukėme! Simon Ellis paskelbė visiškai naują Britney singlo "Circus" remiksą ir jis yra nerealus. Pasiklausyti galite šiame puslapyje.

2015 m. rugsėjo 23 d., trečiadienis

"Extra" taip pat pasidalino nauju Britney vaizdeliu

Laidos "Extra" metu parodytas Britney Spears​ vaizdelis iš laidos "Best Time Ever".

Naujas Britney Instagram vaizdo įrašas

A video posted by Britney Spears (@britneyspears) on

Daugiau video laidos "The Today Show" metu

Šiandien ryte, laidos "The Today Show" metu buvo parodyti dar keli nauji vaizdo įrašai iš Britney pasirodymo laidoje "Best Time Ever". Rytoj turėtume sulaukti dar keletos naujų vaizdo įrašų. 

Rugsėjo 22d. - Britney pastebėta užkandinėje "Wendy"

Nauji Simon Ellis remiksai

Simon Ellis savo Twitter profilyje paskelbė naujas žinutes, kuriose kalba apie tai, kad greitu metu išleis visiškai naujus singlų "Circus" ir "Work Bitch" remiksus. Laukiam!

Britney pasirodymas laidoje "Best Time Ever"

Jūsų dėmesiui pilnas laidos "Best Time Ever" įrašas, kuriame pasirodė ir mūsų Britney. Puiki juoko dozė besibaigiančiai dienai!

Britney patvirtina dalyvavimą "Best Time Ever" laidoje

2015 m. rugsėjo 22 d., antradienis

Matthew Koma dirba kartu su Britney

Muzikos kūrėjo Matthew Koma interviu su internetiniu puslapiu "Breatheheavy" metu, jis atskleidė apie savo darbo ypatumus kartu su Britney:

Anyone in particular you’ve worked with there that sticks out in your mind?
I’ve been really fortunate to work with people all over the map. For different reasons, everybody has kind of taken a place in my musical heart. To be working with someone likeBritney Spears is such a cool thing because when you work on a song with her and you hear her sing, you get to create that time we all sort of lived in. Being a part of that creative process and hear your product back is really, really neat. 

What kind of songs do you have for the legendary Britney Spears?
It’s the kind of thing where it’s just respect to her and her project, from a creative standpoint, that’s definitely something she should speak about. As far as getting in the room with her, she’s just such an inspired [artist] and into music. She’s just a fun person to listen to music with because she has brilliant taste and she’ll be referencing things… [that will] definitely influence where her record is going and influence her sound. She works hard! She shows up and puts the time in. She obviously puts a lot of thought and energy into who she is and where she wants to go creatively, and it’s great to be around that kind of energy, especially an artist that’s been around and had it for as long as she’s been, to know she’s still passionate about it and still puts the hours in like that it’s a great thing and a great attribute.

"Britney Spears: Piece Of Me" DVD gandai

Koncertinės "The AXIS" salės darbuotojai paskelbė, kad koncerto "Britney: Piece Of Me" DVD/Blu-Ray jau yra nufilmuotas ir beveik sumontuotas. Didelė tikimybė, kad jis bus išleistas jau metų pabaigoje. Laukiam!

Britney pasirodys laidoje "Best Time Ever"

Pasirodė pranešimai, kad mūsų Britney šiandien pasirodys kanalo "NBC" laidoje "Best Time Ever with Neil Patrick". Žemiau trumpas aprašymas apie laidos siužetą:

"Seth Meyers will make a special appearance on Tuesday’s episode of Best Time Ever with Neil Patrick Harris, PEOPLE reveals exclusively.
The episode will also feature Britney Spears and Joe Jonas for some fun. In a new segment called “Voices in Your Head,” Harris and Jonas team up with Spears in Las Vegas, and the pop star has to follow their instructions as she interviews potential bodyguards for some bound-to-be hilarious results".

Naujas Britney Instagram įrašas

2015 m. rugsėjo 21 d., pirmadienis

"Planet Hollywood" kompleso plakatai

Štai taip šiuo metu atrodo "Planet Hollywood" komplekso įėjimas! Dviejų pop atlikėjų rezidencijos: Britney Spears​ "Piece Of Me" ir Jennifer Lopez "All I Have"!

Britney yra tikra kvepalų karalienė

Anot "Billboard" pranešimo Britney per metus uždirba 55,4 mln. JAV dolerių iš savo išleistų kvepalų. Jų šiuo metu atlikėja yra išleidusi jau net 18-ką. Neįtikėtina! Žemiau kvepalų magnatų topas:

11-asis singlo "My Prerogative" gimtadienis

2004 metais Britney išleido Bobby Brown 1988 metų singlo koverį "My Prerogative" savo naujausiame singlų rinkiniui "Greatest Hits: My Prerogative". Singlas tobulai tiko atlikėjai, o vaizdo klipas pribloškė savo seksualumu.

Taryn Manning nori vėl dirbti kartu su Britney

Britney filmo "Kryžkelė" bendraaktorė Taryn Manning papasakojo, kaip nuostabu buvo kartu su pop princese filmuotis šiame filme. Taryn atskleidė, kad ji norėtų ir vėl padirbėti kartu su atlikėja naujausiame Netflix seriale "Orange Is The New Black!". Žemiau jos interviu:

Britney pasirodymas "Jane The Virgin" seriale

Vakarykščių "Emmy" apdovanojimų metu, serialo "Jane The Virgin" žvaigždė Gina Rodriguez atskleidė, kad labai džiaugiasi galimybę kartu su Britney filmuotis seriale. Serialo premjera numatyta spalio 12 diena. Plačiau skaitykite šiame puslapyje.

“It’s gonna be epic for me,” Rodriguez tells ET. “I can’t say anything more than Britney Spear will be playing herself and that she’s awesome.”

“She’s so loving and so supportive of the show, and she’s gonna kick ass,” she adds.
Spears, 33, hasn’t started shooting with the cast yet, but Rodriguez is confident that the “Pretty Girls” singer will be fabulous. “I think she’s gonna be everything I’m dreaming of,” the 31-year-old actress gushes.

The appearance may be just as dreamy for Jane the Virgin fans, as showrunner Jennie Snyder Urman spilled to ET last month that there will be music in Spears’ episode. While Rodriguez wouldn’t confirm what exactly that means, she did tease that there will be music magic.

“You’re gonna get a moment,” Rodriguez tells ET. “It’s gonna be a moment, too, like the only moment. It’s gonna change my memories of life forever. You are going to be so happy and jealous.”

On Wednesday, ET chatted with Andrea Navedo, who plays Jane’s mom on the sitcom, at People’s Ones to Watch party in Los Angeles, and the 37-year-old actress implied that Rodriguez will actually get to sing with Spears in the episode.

Just like Rodriguez, we can only dream!

2015 m. rugsėjo 20 d., sekmadienis

Britney gerbėjo Ignacio susitikimo istorija

Visiškai atsidavęs Britney gerbėjas Ignacio papasakojo savo susitikimų su Britney istoriją. Su atlikėja jis buvo susitikęs Las Vegase jau net 7-is kartus.

"I think I have a lot to say about my Meet & Greet experience. First of all excuse my grammar because I’m not a native English speaker.
I got 7 Meet & Greets for the 9th leg of the residency. August 12, 21, 26, 28 and September 2, 4, 5. People have been asking why in a row, and the answer is simply because I am not going back to vegas in a long time. I didn’t have the chance to have them spaced out. I had to do them in a row while I was there.
The first part that comes before the M&G is the backstage tour. It is soo much fun and it’s so interesting and you learn a lot about the show. There is so much work put into everything and you can tell it’s a big production. The costumes are GORGEOUS up close. Tish is super nice in person. You get to see the dancers every time (they just walk by though) and pretty much every backstage tour is different. It’s incredible how the size of the group varies. One time we were a HUGE group, then another time we were just 6. It was so much nicer when it was a smaller group. The room where the costumes are is very tiny so when it’s a big group it’s a bit annoying. Felicia makes everything soo much fun. It’s always the same but she makes it different in some way. She has some notes in case she forgets anything but she doesn’t even need them. She knows everything by heart (well she’s done it for like two years now). She is SUCH a sweetheart. Literally made my whole Piece of Me experience a hundred times better. Whenever she saw me she would recognise me and say hi. I talked to her and asked her things and she would be soo friendly. I told her something that troubled me and after that every time I saw her she would ask me about it. I have NOTHING but amazing things to say about Fe. That’s why I needed her to be in my last M&G picture.
Then comes the M&G. Okay so, to sum it all up, Britney is the sweetest and prettiest person I have ever seen in my life. Every time I met her, she was very nice and looked BEAUTIFUL. She looks so much better than she does in candids, photoshoots etc. I always gave her my hand and asked her how she was.

The first time was so hard. I was really nervous and I wasn’t sure what to say to her. When I saw her, I introduced myself and immediately took the picture. I didn’t get time to talk to her before the pic. After that I told her a bit about myself and asked her about her kids because Fe told us they were coming. She seemed happy when I asked her about her kids. You can tell how much she loves them. Just mentioning them puts such a big smile on her face. After that I left and I saw the show. I had ‘good seats’ that came with my cheaper M&G package. They were actually bad. I couldn’t see Britney well (maybe it’s also because Im short-sighted). I ended up getting floor tickets for my other M&G so I could see her close.

Anyway the second M&G was great. She remembered me. I was shocked. I showed her my new tattoo with the dates I met her and she said it was beautiful. Then we took the picture (I asked her to pretend she was giving me a kiss on the cheek). It was very strange but my second time meeting her I was more nervous than the first.

The next time I met her was incredible. I walked up to her to say hi and she said “I know you!” and I said “yeah remember my tattoo?” and she screamed “yes!” like she was excited. When I showed her she looked at it carefully and said “wow it looks great” and I said thank you. She told me “Your eyes are very beautiful. You look like a cat. I’m jealous. I’ve always wanted cat eyes.” and that’s when I died and all I could say was thank you. We took the picture (silly face pose) and then I asked for a hug and she said “yeah!”.

My fourth time was weird. It was a tough day for me and I was kind of out of it and I had my mind all over the place. I actually don’t remember it as well as the others. I told her about how my boyfriend had just arrived from Spain to see the show with me and she was like “oh wow that’s so nice he came all the way here.” I remember this was the time we were told we couldn’t ask for a hug so I guess that made me a bit mad too.

The next time I met her was after the VMAs, so I asked if she had fun and told her she looked gorgeous. I asked her for her favorite place to eat in Las Vegas. She thought about it for a while, and then she said Sushi Samba. She said “I don’t know why I forgot, I just couldn’t remember the name” or something along the lines. So I said thanks and that of course I would go there to see how it is.
Two days later I told her how Sushi Samba was (Its really expensive so I didn’t buy a lot and just starved myself that day). It’s soo good no wonder its Britney’s favorite. She said “I’m glad you liked it sweetie.” I’d rather keep to myself the other thing I said to her but she was very nice when I told her.

The last time I was with my boyfriend, and before the M&G I had asked Felicia if she could be in the pic with us. The first time I asked she screamed “NOOOO Im gonna ruin your picture!” and after that she asked me like 100 times if it was okay for her to be in the picture. When it was time to meet Britney, she asked me how I was and I introduced my boyfriend to her. She said with a huge smile on her face “nice to meet you” to him. After that it was funny because we were 4 posing for the picture and the backdrop is tiny, so finding the right positions was hard. After we finally took the picture, I told Britney it was my last M&G (she automatically went “awww”) and I thanked her for having such a good time every time I met her and for being so nice and she said “you too!” Then she said “I hope your boyfriend likes the show” and turned to him to say “have you seen the show before?” He had already seen it 6 times so he said that and she replied “oh so you’re good, you’re like a pro now” and smiled. I laughed a bit and then I thanked her again for everything, shook her hand and said it was nice to meet her and she replied you too (she says that to everyone though, I know).

I just want to add that I don’t think Britney is my friend, I don’t see myself as a better fan than any other, and I don’t think I’m part of team Britney. Please think before you post because what you say does affect people. Also, a HUGE thank you to Britney-Galaxy for letting me share my story! You can follow me on Instagram and twitter at @Kingnacio"

Britney Twitter perkopė 43 mln. sekėjų ribą

Šios savaitės eigoje Britney paskyra Twitter platformoje perkopė jau net 43mln. sekėjų ribą. Nepamirškite ir jūs sekti pop princesės naujienas šiame puslapyje.

Britney pravedė šokių pamoką

Paskelbtose nuotraukose, kur Britney buvo paliekanti šokių studiją, mes dar nežinojome kokiu kilniu tikslu ji buvo užsiėmusi. Pasirodo mūsų princesė mokė jaunus talentus šokio įmantrybių.

A video posted by Britney Spears (@britneyspears) on

Rugsėjo 19d. - Britney lankosi šokių studijoje

2015 m. rugsėjo 19 d., šeštadienis

Nauji Britney Instagram video įrašai

A video posted by Britney Spears (@britneyspears) on
A video posted by Britney Spears (@britneyspears) on

Švari dainos "Tom's Diner" vokalinė versija

Neįtikėtina, tačiau koncertuodamas Hyde parke Niujorke, atlikėjas Giorgio Moroder sugrojo dainą "Tom's Diner". Mes išgirdome švaraus Britney vokalo versiją, kurios labai norėjome. Video medžiagą galite peržiūrėti šiame puslapyje nuo 21:34 min. 

8-asis "Gimme More" gimtadienis!

Lygiai prieš 8-ius metus įvyko kažkas neįtikėtino ir ilgai laukto. Britney ir vėl pavergė mūsų širdis išleidusi pirmąjį singlą "Gimme More" iš 5-ojo albumo "Blackout". Šis albumas pakeitė pop muzikos pasaulį, o žurnalas "Rolling Stone" paskelbė albumą įtakingiausių šio dešimtmečio albumu. Taip pat tai pirmasis atlikėjos albumas patekęs į "Rock and Hall" šlovės muziejų. Beje šio singlo dėka mes turime legendinę frazę - "IT`S BRITNEY, BITCH".

"Britney Spears’ critically acclaimed 2007 album Blackout has not only topped a million in sales but it is now the pop star’s only album to be added to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame‘s music library and archives. The Hall developed the archive to be the “most comprehensive repository of materials relating to the history of rock and roll … in order to broaden awareness and understanding of rock and roll, its roots, and its impact on our society."