2011 m. liepos 9 d., šeštadienis

Femme Fatale turas: Koncertas Chicago mieste

Praėjo jau 12-asis "Femme Fatale" turo koncertas. Britney prieš ir po koncerto Chicago mieste paliko "Twitter" žinutes:
 What's up Chi Town? So pumped for tonight's show! You guys excited? -Britney
Chi town.....you guys blew my mind. You guys give so much love. What a night! :) -Britney

Hold It Against Me / Up N' Down
Big Fat Bass
How I Roll / Lace And Leather
Gimme More
(Drop Dead) Beautiful
Don't Let Me Be The Last To Know
Baby One More Time
Burning Up
I'm Slave 4 U
Till The World Ends 

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