2011 m. liepos 7 d., ketvirtadienis

Femme Fatale turas: Koncertas St. Paul mieste

Jūsų dėmesiui, liepos 6 diena vykusio Britney koncerto St. Paul mieste filmuota medžiaga. Beje, po koncerto Britney atsakė kelis gerbėjams į jų Twitter žinutes:

 Nothing like a Femme Fatale party! -Britney RT :  knows how to party!!! What a show!!!! 

 - Thx girl! xox -Britney RT : Such an amazing & energetic show! I LOVE YOU BRITNEY!! 
 - Love it. Thx Jostyn -Brit RT : SUCH AN AMAZING SHOW! 4th time seeing you live & it was the best ever. Thank you so much, I love you!!
 - Aww! Love y'all -Britney RT : Thank you for such an incredible show! You had us dancing and singing the whole time.

Hold It Against Me
If You Seek Amy
Dont Let Me Be The Last To Know
Baby One More Time
I'm Slave 4 U
Till The World Ends  

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