2015 m. gegužės 3 d., sekmadienis

"Oops!..I did it again!" albumui sueina 15 metų

Lygiai prieš 15 metų pasirodė antrasis Britney albumas "Oops!..I did it again!". Būtent šis albumas sumušė visus albumo perkamumo rekordus per pirmąją jo išleidimo savaitę. Albumas padovanojo tiek daug nuostabių dainų ir visam gyvenimui įsitvirtino mūsų širdyse. Muzikos tinklapis "DigitalSpy" surinko net 15-ą faktų apie šį neeilinį albumą.

1. It remains a US chart record holder
2. It’s basically one of the biggest selling records of the last decade
3. It wasn’t always going to be called Oops!
4. The male voice on ‘Oops!… I Did It Again’ is…
5. But where is that handsome astronaut from the music video now?
6. It’s a shame he didn’t have the qualification when he was shooting the video…
7. Who’s idea was it for Britney to wear that iconic catsuit?
8. And the idea for dancing on Mars? 
9. As for the music video for 'Stronger'...
10. But the director was fixated with something else entirely
11. It's the "critically-acclaimed" Oops!... I Did It Again, we'll have you know
12. Interestingly, Bobby Brown served as assistant engineer on the album
13. ‘When Your Eyes Say It’ was supposedly scheduled to be the fourth single
14. That’s the single that had a very famous co-writer on it?

15. Britney Spears had lusciously clean hair through the duration of the era

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