2015 m. gegužės 14 d., ketvirtadienis

"Pretty Girls" debiutuoja Billboard tope

Naujasis Britney singlas "Pretty Girls" pagaliau debiutuoja Billboard Hot 100 tope. Turint 77% visų duomenų, singlas debiutuoja #29 vietoje šiame tope. Plačiau skaitykite šiame puslapyje.

Billboard Hot 100 - #29 (debiutas)
Digital Songs - #06 (debiutas)
Pop Songs - #23 (debiutas)
Billboard Canadian Hot 100 - #24 (debiutas)
Social 50 - #38 (+10)
Billboard Twitter Top Tracks - #03 (debiutas)
Artist 100 - #74 (debiutas)

"As for the week’s highly-anticipated top debut, Spears and Azalea launch at No. 29 with “Pretty Girls.” Sales lead the way (accounting for 77 percent of the song’s chart points), as it debuts on Digital Songs at No. 6 with 96,000 first-week downloads sold. The single is “an event record,” says Charese Fruge, program director of Pop Songs chart panelist KKHH Houston, which has played the duet 39 times since adding it on its day of release (May 4).

“Girls” should gain strong momentum from today’s release of its official sci-fi send-up video and the pair’s tandem performance at the Billboard Music Awards on Sunday (May 17)."

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