2015 m. birželio 5 d., penktadienis

Charlie mama kalba apie Britney

To dar nebuvo. Britney vaikino Charlie motina Susan naujausiame savo interviu su "Yahoo News" prakalbo apie savo sūnaus santykius su pop muzikos princese. Interviu metu ji parodė savo palaikymą ir meilę judviejų santykiams. Plačiau galite perskaityti šiame puslapyje, o žemiau ištrauka:

And I saw Charlie on TV last night. Did you see it?

Yes! My son is dating Britney Spears and they are crazy for each other. They just absolutely love each other. I tell people this is the same thing is happening for her that happened for me. She has a residency in Vegas so she knows where she is going to be all the time, she is making a lot of money doing that so she’s not under pressure to get out there. I think the work is really, really hard. The 90-minute show is a killer, but I think it gives her a sense of rhythm. She sees her kids on a regular basis, and it’s all very ordinary. Charlie is crazy about her so that’s nice.

That’s wonderful. That must be a lot of work to prepare for that show.

She was over visiting Charlie one afternoon and she ran like 80 minutes on the treadmill. With a 90 minute show I don’t care who you are you can’t like slack off.

Wow that is dedication!

It’s fun to root for her. I’m all about her and she has a new song and all of us are so excited for her. But mostly we’re really happy for Charlie, because Charlie works really hard and he doesn’t take a lot of time off, and he’s found time for this thing to grow. I am wishing him all the best.

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