Anyway after meeting Fe- who is the nicest person ever btw, she showed us the stage & we got to see Brits quick area were some older costumes were! We saw the original WB costume, the old Circus outfit that popped open, Breathe On Me body suit from Circus tour! Also the magic act Circus tour outfit! I almost died.
While we were there Fe said in older tours Brit would be sweating when they needed to change outfits so she would throw talc over Brit and the huge fan would blow it back in Fe’s face!! HA! AWW. The funniest story Fe told us- she told us a lot about Brit. Was about the neon section part outfit how it took Britney 12 months to change her mind aboit the leotard to dress :) She said
“She now performs Pretty Girls. Like on the BB music awards with Nicki…”
We all burst out laughing including Britneus costume maker who we met. We also saw Willie & Chase! HOT! Also Britneys quick fit was carpeted and shabby sheek style with vanilla candles & pics of her boys weve never saw before aww!
So when I finally met her I shook her hand and introduced myself- the 1st thing she done was look down at my top and point to her assistant “OMG it looks like my dogs! I miss them so much!” Then done her classic Britney high laugh <3 :="" a="" all="" amazing="" amp="" and="" as="" but="" dog="" everywhere="" fave="" getting="" goodbye-="" great="" haha="" have="" her.="" her="" hug="" i="" is="" it="" its="" loved="" married="" meet="" mind="" my="" night="" no="" of="" rule="" said="" same="" see="" seen="" short="" songs="" still="" sweet="" that="" the="" there="" to="" told="" too="" top="" was="" waved="" we="" when="" wish="" would="" you="" your="">3>
Also she is so much more beautiful in person! The show was amazing and I got to meet Jamie and the other Britneys! Best VIP group! I taped Rachels reaction meeting Brit again!
Thanks Britney Galaxy & Anthony!
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