2016 m. vasario 15 d., pirmadienis

Extra TV: Britney albumas beveik paruoštas

Jūsų dėmesiui naujausias Britney interviu su "Extra TV" žurnalistu Mario Lopez. Interviu metu atlikėja pasidalino žiniomis apie būsimą albumą, bei "Piece Of Me" koncertus:

Apie atnaujintus koncertus:
"I have a new album coming out soon, so it's just like a taste of what's to come. The new stuff isn't actually in it yet, but there's a lot of surprises. There's a lot of new costume changes. There's a lot of new surprise songs in there from artists I really respect. There's a lot of prop changes, and there's more to come this year that's gonna be changed."

2015 metais rugpjūti Britney pasakė frazę "Frankly, men can suck my f**king toe". Atlikėja pakomentavo: "Men issues. Daddy issues. I'm behind that now".

Apie garsenybes, kurios lankosi "Piece Of Me" koncerte Britney atsakė:
"I'd rather not know because it makes me nervous. I really look up to those people".

Apie savo puikia kūno formą:
"I like to go to class, I like to compete with people. I get on the treadmill and I try to run as fast as they do. So I like to be with a bunch of people, and I go to classes".

Apie savo berniukus:
"They're at the 'Star Wars' movie right now. This is the second time they've seen it. They just keep going back and they love it. I'm not really interested in that, but that's their thing".

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