2016 m. gegužės 10 d., antradienis

Britney ant žurnalo "Vanity Fair Italy" viršelio

Britney papuošė šio mėnesio žurnalo "Vanity Fair Italy" viršelį. Leidinyje rašoma apie ta pati, kas buvo kalbama paskutiniame žurnalo "V Magazine" numeryje. Žemiau straipsnio vertimas į anlgų kalbą:

"It’s been 17 years since his triumphal entry in the pop world. Today is happy with her life of busy mom, including a show in Las Vegas and a new (long-awaited) album. The lesson we learned from the past? Do not make more case to criticism. And always follow your heart.
1999 was the year of … Baby One More Time, historical album debut of the new pop princess who, after participating in the Mickey Mouse Club, had become the Lolita music videos, conceived by God to send into raptures the generation of TRL that crowded Times Square. 
After 17 years, 7 albums, 7 tour, two husbands and two sons , Britney Spears is a single mother of 34 who takes care of her two children and seeks the right balance between work and private. 
During our conversation repeats that there is nothing that accounts for more than Sean Preston, 10, and Jayden, 9. Fortunately for him, is currently engaged in Piece of Me, the show in which he sings his greatest hits , a fixture at the Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino in Las Vegas, recently extended for another two years. 

Las Vegas is only a 40-minute flight from Los Angeles, where he lives, and the boys, and Britney flashes three times a week for periods of six weeks. “I work full time for six weeks, then I enjoy my six weeks of freedom. ” When, in 2013, was launched Piece of Me, she wondered if it would be able to attract the mature audience visiting the land casinos. But the show has become a major attraction for younger visitors to Sin City, and a blessing for the Planet Hollywood coffers. 
The show is divided February 13 completely renovated, from the ladder to the choreography, the dancers costumes. With the classic Las Vegas theatrical exaggerations: fire, water, snow and simulated flight, which caused more than a thrill. During the second show of 2016 one of the systems to fly did not work, and she was forced to get off a tree with a hidden staircase, while another time is hanging to hang in a vacuum. “The harness has been detached ta, “he says as if nothing happened. “I was just hanging on to the left hook. I went into total panic. But I was able to go down and then everything went well. “ 
In the lineup there are his most famous songs, but in the course of the year should lick it even some taken from the upcoming album, which is being rolled out single Make Me (Ooh), but that is still immersed in the utmost secrecy. He will come at a critical time for her. 
His latest work, Britney Jean in 2013, was the one that stopped further down in the rankings, and had lukewarm reviews. If Britney wants to get back to being one of the pop stars that dictate trend, this is the time to do it, and she seems to be aware, “This is a job I feel more mine. It’s my baby, I want it perfect. “ 
His career took off at the height of the digital revolution, before social media became the true litmus test of the modern pop celebrities, yet Britney shows to have a different relationship with the network than those who came after her. ” to be honest I do not use the computer: my kids use it much more than me. I realize that many people love it, and there are days when I devote myself to write, but really not for me. Im not. “ 
Which does not mean it is not on social; indeed, on Instagram is legendary. In an era when many artists do not dream of being seen with a hair out of place, the photos of Britney are refreshingly spontaneous: grainy, imperfect and authentic. Here she is doing yoga. In another mocks the spacious front, or the orange spray tan, comparing himself to an Oompa Loompa. There are regular nature photos and so many shots of the children. He understands that he willingly accepted his life , that of pop star became a housewife. “Instagram like,” he admits. “I’m always with my children, it is inevitable that they are in the photos. I know it sounds strange, but to be honest I always look at others on Instagram. Curious people. It is a way to meet new people. “ 
In photos and videos you let go, but in interviews is measured and unable to criticize their colleagues. “I’m so done”, tries to explain. After all, she knows what it is to suffer the judgment of others. The tabloid press has reported in great detail the problems he faced in the mid-twenty-first century, and when it entered a more stable phase, and more reserved in his life, the media have chosen new targets. “Thanks,” the company, today any pop star caught licking a donut, or expose a few centimeters of skin, can become in a few minutes the Public Enemy Number One. But Britney does not blame the technology for this often unhealthy environment. “I do not believe that the fault of the computer. Anyone in the spotlight is judged too quickly. Try it on their many kids skin. Justin Bieber, with his huge success, there is passing. Unfortunately that’s how the world works. “And if someone still writes ill of her, Britney flew over.” I’m in this for twenty years, I do not even notice. I have my relationship with God and with myself, and that’s what counts. I do not care what others think. “ 
You do not get to this wisdom from day to day, and who is now the height of success would do well to remember Britney lesson: you can drop it and find your way and maybe get to a better place. Its position of icon of pop era representative is now set in stone. It remains to be seen what will be its next moves. The property of the family Spears in Kentwood in Louisiana is called Serenity, “serenity”, perhaps the best word to define the Britney of today. Seventeen years ago, the ranch where he spent his childhood was a house like many others in Kentwood. 
I went to meet her: she was surrounded by her collection of dolls, struggling with the first interview of his life, that I made for MTV. Still ask me to that interview guys in their twenties, fascinated by its stunning entrance in pop history. For them, no one has yet taken place. Looking back nearly two decades, I ask, what advice would give the Britney of 2016 to that of 1999? “Oh God, I do not know,” he says with his typical humility. “I would tell her just being open. To remain true to itself. And always follow his heart."

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