2016 m. gegužės 2 d., pirmadienis

Britney bus įteiktas "Billboard Millennium Award" apdovanojimas

Sulaukėme ilgai lauktos dienos, kuomet išaiškėjo ilgai lauktas pranešimas. Šiandien "USA Today" paskelbė, kad ne kam kitam, bet pačiai Britney Spears bus įteiktas šių metų "Billboard Millennium Award" apdovanojimas. Šis apdovanojimas įteikiamas atlikėjui už neįtikėtinus karjeros nuopelnus ir įtaką viso pasaulio muzikai.

"The Billboard Music Awards are about to hit an artist one more time with one of their Millennium Awards — and this time the honoree is Britney Spears. 
Meant to acknowledge outstanding career achievements and influence in the music industry, Billboard Millennium Awards were previously handed out to Beyoncé (in 2011) and Whitney Houston (in 2012). 
Spears has collected six Billboard Music Awards in the past, and had six albums debut at No. 1 on the Billboard 200 chart, with 24 Top 40 singles charting on the Billboard Hot 100 (five of which went to No. 1). 
Spears will perform a medley of her hits at the show, which will be hosted by Ludacris and Ciara. The 2016 Billboard Music Awards will air live from the T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas May 22 on ABC, at 8 PM ET and 5 PM PT."

Primenu, kad apdovanojimai įvyks Gegužės 22 diena!

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