2018 m. vasario 28 d., trečiadienis

Nauji Britney muzikos sertifikatai JAV

Šiandien paskelbta, kad Britney albumas "Britney Jean" gavo auksinio albumo sertifikatą JAV, pardavimai perkopė 500 000 kopijų. Taip pat singlas "Work Bitch" gavo platininio singlo sertifikatą, pardavimai perkopė 1 000 000 kopijų. Sveikinimai!

2018 m. vasario 27 d., antradienis

Akimirkos iš "Hollywood Beauty Awards" apdovanojimų

Twitter: Britney pasidalino nauju vaizdo įrašu

Twitter: Britney pasidalino pasiruošimo apdovanojimams akimirkomis

2018 m. vasario 26 d., pirmadienis

Pilnas "Hollywood Beauty Awards" apdovanojimų įrašas

Daugiau nuotraukų galite rasti šiame puslapyje.

Britney dalyvavo "Hollywood Beauty Awards" apdovanojimuose

Vakar Los Andžele įvyko "Hollywood Beauty Awards" apdovanojimų ceremonija, kuriuose pasirodė ir Britney. Vakaro metu jai buvo įteiktas apdovanojimas už metų aromatą "Fantasy In Bloom". Sakydama padėkos kalbą atlikėja pajuokavo bei užsiminė, kad šiuo metu dirba ties nauju projektu.

Twitter: Britney pasidalino nauja nuotrauka

2018 m. vasario 25 d., sekmadienis

"Hollywood Beauty Awards" apdovanojimų ceremonija

Šiandien įvyks "Hollywood Beauty Awards" apdovanojimų ceremonija, kurios metu Britney Spears bus įteiktas metų aromato apdovanojimas už kvepalus "Fantasy In Bloom".

2018 m. vasario 24 d., šeštadienis

"Sometimes" surinko 100 mln. peržiūrų

Britney Spears singlas "Sometimes" turi daugiau nei 100 mln. peržiūrų! Tai jau 14-as atlikėjos vaizdo klipas perkopęs šią ribą.

2018 m. vasario 19 d., pirmadienis

Susitikimo su Britney Las Vegase istorija

Britney gerbėjas, Mike Covelli pasidalino savo istorija, kaip jis susipažino su pop muzikos žvaigžde:

I went to Vegas alone for the weekend (Wednesday-Sunday am) with my show on Friday! I knew she had shows both Friday & Saturday, so I wanted to get the night she was just gonna start the weekend. I had heard good & bad experiences about interacting with her, so I had this rehearsed dialogue in my head that of course went out the window when I walked up to her… and it was for the better when you keep reading 🙂 ) After all the backstage stuff which was awesome, her dressing room, the wings, the MATM wall for good luck, and about a half hour wait inbetween of the tour / talking to other fans in my group to meeting her, the nerves built up, but I kept it easy and calm, just to see what would happen! I had seen every show of hers since the Oops!… tour, and was in Vegas once in 2014, this was my last ‘hoorah’ to see her live!
I was 8th in line of about 20-30 people, and sooner did I blink after they talked to us about what to do/what not to — I was up the ramp and around the corner to say hi to her.
She was so lovely. She had her hair half up and down, soft-almost-gold eye make up and a black & white mini dress that went up to her neck with some black stilettos on.
Turned the corner over the step & repeat and just said “Hi Britney!” very high energy with my New York accent and she reached out her hand and said “Hi sweetie what’s your name?” “Michael – it’s so nice to meet you, can I hug you real quick?” – and she said of course and really let me in which I thought was great. When we let go, she saw my necklace on my black tee shirt and just stops me (a David Yurman black diamond cross that was a gift from my folks) and she grabs it and goes “Wait this is the weirdest thing, I have the EXACT SAME necklace at home. I JUST got it out of my closet!” And I said “David Yurman?! Stop! Ugh, I love you Britney that’s awesome! – ok let’s do this!” And she laughed and grabbed me real close over my shoulder. I told her to have a great show and thanks for having me, and she said “you’re so welcome sweetie have a great night!”
I wasn’t expecting such a personal dialogue with her, and my whole “thank you for your music and being an inspiration to me”.. line went right out the window.
and that was it. Short and sweet but she was so personable and lively. AND ON FIRE on stage all night.

Nauja "Pepsi" reklama su Britney singlais

Pasirodė visiškai nauja "Pepsi" reklama su atlikėja Tinashe. Reklamoje jaunoji atlikėja šoka pagal Britney debiutinį singlą "...Baby One More Time". Pasižiūrėkite:

2018 m. vasario 18 d., sekmadienis

7-asis Britney singlo "Hold It Against Me" gimtadienis

Twitter: Britney pasidalino naujomis žinutėmis

2018 m. vasario 15 d., ketvirtadienis

Albumo "The Singles Collection" sėkmė Australijoje

Britney singlų rinkinys "The Singles Collection" gavo auksinio albumo sertifikatą Australijoje. Pardavimai sudaro daugiau nei 35 000 kopijų. Sveikinimai!

16-asis Britney filmo "Crossroads" gimtadienis

Twitter: Britney pasidalino naujomis žinutėmis

2018 m. vasario 14 d., trečiadienis

Britney pasiekimai Spotify erdvėje

Britney Spears albumas "...Baby One More Time" turi jau daugiau nei 200 mln. perklausų Spotify erdvėje. Tai jau 4-asis atlikėjos albumas perkopęs šį skaičių.

2018 m. vasario 13 d., antradienis

Pridėtas papildomas "Piece Of Me" koncertas Paryžiuje

Vos per 20 minučių buvo pilnai išpirktas Britney "Piece Of Me" koncertas Paryžiuje. Dėl šio fenomenalaus pardavimo pridėta nauja-papildoma data - Rugpjūčio 29 diena (bilietai prekyboje nuo Vasario 14 dienos). Skelbiama, kad Paryžiaus arena talpina 20 000 žmonių.

Britney bus įteiktas ypatingas "GLAAD" apdovanojimas

Šiandien Britney savo socialiniuose tinklapiuose pasidalino žinia, kad šių metų "GLAAD" apdovanojimų ceremonijos metu jai bus įteiktas specialus "Vanguar Award" apdovanojimas. Šis apdovanojimas įteikiamas garsenybės už nuopelnus LGBTQ bendruomenei. Ceremonija įvyks balandžio 12 diena Los Andžele.

"According to GLAAD, Spears has consistently stood up for LGBTQ youth on GLAAD’s Spirit Day by going purple on social media to speak out against bullying. In 2015, she released a Spirit Day video and promoted participation in the anti-bullying campaign by organizing a meet-and-greet for LGBTQ fans, washing her stage at Planet Hollywood purple, and providing anti-bullying materials to concertgoers. In 2016, she was among over 20 music artists to appear on GLAAD’s song “Hands,” released with Interscope Records to remember the 49 lives taken in the Orlando Pulse nightclub shooting. In 2017, Spears was among 140 leading entertainers to speak out in an open letter against two anti-LGBTQ bills, which targeted transgender youth in Texas and were later defeated. Most recently, she sparked global attention when she wore a t-shirt with the phrase “We Are All Dreamers” imprinted on it and she called on Congress to pass the Dream Act via Instagram."

Tinashe papasakojo apie bendrą darbą kartu su Britney

Naujausiame savo interviu atlikėja Tinashe papasakojo apie tai, kaip jai sekės dirbti su pop muzikos legenda Britney. Primenu, kad abi atlikėjos atliko duetą "Slumber Party":

"It was just such an amazing experience,” Tinashe said of working with Britney. “It was mostly just humbling, which was what I really took away from that experience. It was like, ‘Whoa, anything can really happen.’ You can have these unrealistic seeming dreams that can really happen for you, which is incredible. I would’ve never thought that that could’ve happened."

2018 m. vasario 9 d., penktadienis

Paskelbtos naujos "Piece Of Me" koncertų datos

Pasirodo Europos žemynas, kaip reikiant yra pasiilgęs Britney ir jos muzikos. Dėl neįtikėtinai gerų "Piece Of Me" koncertų pardavimų buvo pridėtos naujos 4 koncertų datos:

Rugpjūčio 26d. - London, Jungtinė Karalystė
Rugpjūčio 28d. - Paris, Prancūzija
Rugpjūčio 31d. - Birmingham, Jungtinė Karalystė
Rugsėjo 1d. - Blackpool, Jungtinė Karalystė

Bilietai prekyboje nuo vasario 13 dienos.

Twitter: Britney pasidalino nauja žinute

Twitter: Britney pasidalino naujomis gyvenimo akimirkomis

2018 m. vasario 7 d., trečiadienis

Britney kvepalai "Fantasy In Bloom" gavo apdovanojimą

Šiandien paaiškėjo, kad kasmetiniuose "Hollywood Beauty Awards 2018" apdovanojimuose naujieji Britney kvepalai "Fantasy In Bloom" laimėjo kategorijoje "Metų Kvepalai". Apdovanojimai įvyks vasario 25 diena Los Andžele. Britney asmeniškai atsiims jai skirta apdovanojimą. Valio!

Marie Claire: "100 labiausiai įkvepiančių pasaulio moterų"

Žurnalas "Marie Claire" paskelbė 100 labiausiai pasaulį įkvėpusių moterų per paskutinius 100-ą metų topą. Jame pasirodė ir mūsų Britney:

Instagram: Britney pasidalino nauju vaizdo įrašu

A post shared by Britney Spears (@britneyspears) on

2018 m. vasario 6 d., antradienis

Twitter: Britney pasidalino nauja nuotrauka

Susitikimo su Britney istorija

Walid Kushtoban pasidalino su visais savo susitikimo su Britney istorija. Galbūt ateityje ir mums taip pasiseks:

It took me 18 years to meet this GORGEOUS soul and every second of it was far away from reality!! I congratulated her on her big win at the people choice awards, we talked about the gift I wanted to give her 5 years ago at the Femme Fatal tour (Painting with her kids names in Arabic Calligraphy Sean and Jayden ) but I couldn’t since I missed my meet and greet opportunity during the femme fatale tour as I mixed up the dates. I thanked her for retweeting my make me dance video and thinking my dance moves were flawless ! Then it was gift time, gave fee the painting from 5 years back along with a new Sowervski dress from the amazing AAVVA Designers Ahmad Mar & Vincenzo Visciglia which they did specially for her! She was sooo touched about what happened to me 5 years back and couldn’t be more thankful for the dress such a humble QUEEN! She was so kind and couldn’t be more welcoming, we laughed about my tattoos since I have all her tattoos at the exact same spot and color (even Larry her manager thought I was crazy) when the security told me it was about time to leave, we decided to do a cool pose rather than a normal boring picture. So I asked her to pretend to kiss me while I have a shocked face and yes she couldn’t contain herself laughing at my request!! Finally before leaving (since no one was allowed to touch her) I asked her for a hug and with all cuteness she said “AWW for sure sweetie” with a sweet kiss to top it all … Thank you for always being an inspiration, the sweetest person on EARTH, my dance MENTOR and simply ICONIC!!! DREAM CHECKED <3 bitch="" britney="" i="" it="" s="">

2018 m. vasario 1 d., ketvirtadienis

Britney ruošiasi išleisti naujus kvepalus?

Vienoje internetinėje parduotuvėje pasirodė informacija, kad mėnesio pabaigoje Britney ruošiasi išleisti naujus "fantasy" linijos kvepalus "piece of me". Šie kvepalai bus pasiekiami tik JAV ir Europoje, bei taps vasaros turo dalimi. Laukiame daugiau informacijos.

Twitter: Britney pasidalino nauju vaizdo įrašu