2015 m. spalio 15 d., ketvirtadienis

"Ace Of Base" diskutuoja apie Britney

Visi mes pašėlstame, kuomet pokalbis krypsta apie neišleistą Britney muziką. Šiandien paliesime Britney įrašyta koverį dainos "All That She Wants", kuri originaliai priklauso grupei "Ace Of Base". Grupės lyderis Ulf Ekberg naujausiame interviu kartu su ABC News papasakojo apie tai, kodėl šis koveris nepateko į "Blackout" albumą. Plačiau skaitykite šiame puslapyje.

"Martin Dodd, who worked for Danish label Mega Records, bought the band’s contract for a measly $2,000 from a smaller label while Ace of Base was still young. Ekberg doesn’t blame the person who sold the band, but jokes that he made a “small mistake.”

Dodd later left Mega Records and signed Britney Spears. He also worked with the Backstreet Boys and N’Sync. When those bands failed to catch on with U.S. consumers, Dodd decided to bring these bands overseas, where Ace of Base had made its mark.

“That’s how all these American bands started coming here,” Ekberg said.

Around 2007 Britney Spears recorded an “All That She Wants” cover because of the Dodd connection.

“They wanted to release it, but that was a difficult time for her,” Ekberg said, alluding to her rough year. “It was only in Denmark, never finished and didn’t end up on her album. It was cool though. She took the choruses, took away the verses and wrote new ones about her mom. It was very strong."

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