2015 m. spalio 20 d., antradienis

Jaime Camil kalba apie bendra darbą kartu su Britney

Britney pasirodymas seriale "Jane The Virgin" jau ne už kalnų. Serialo žvaigždė Jaime Camil naujausiame savo interviu žurnale "Vanity Fair" pasidalino savo mintimis apie bendra darbą kartu su Britney ir jos artėjanti debiutą seriale. Pilną intervių galite peržiūrėti šiame puslapyje.

How was it working with Britney Spears, who plays your character’s nemesis?

She’s actually very good as an actress. She’s so nice, always on time, always a professional, always ready to explore what is best for the show acting-wise, super sweet, super friendly. As you know, like seven months ago, she said that she really dug the show. But she is a mega-worldwide superstar so we were all pleasantly surprised about her cooperation and how willing she was to play with us and have fun. It was a really, really pleasant surprise.

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