2016 m. vasario 18 d., ketvirtadienis

Britney dainų autorių interviu apie bendrus darbus

Būsimo Britney albumo dainų autoriai Tranter Justin ir Julia Michaels naujausiame interviu su Kanados radijo stotimi CBC Radio pasidalino savo įspūdžiais apie bendrus darbus su pop princese ties nauju jos albumu. Pilną intervių galite perklausyti šiame puslapyje (nuo 21:06 min.). Štai keletas įdomių išsakytų minčių:

Radio Interviewer: 
“Do you have any memorable experiences of helping an artist kinda get to another level in their performance (in the studio)?” 

Justin Tranter: 
“Well my favorite story was when we were asked to leave Britney’s session because we were so excited about how good she sounded; we were disrupting everyone because we wouldn’t stop screaming with joy while she was trying to work” 

Julia Michaels: 
“Yeah…I was literally on the floor crying (laughs).” 

Radio Interviewer: 
“The engineer had to say excuse me uh…?” 

Justin Tranter: 
“I know we were literally asked to leave” 

Julia Michaels: 
“Yeah because we were just like so excited..” 

Justin Tranter: 
“Like we were in school” 

Julia Michaels: 
“We couldn’t even stand it!”.

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