2016 m. liepos 31 d., sekmadienis
Britney apdovanojo savo serganti gerbėją
"I thought someone from my family or friends was playing a joke on us. Then I received a phone call from Britney’s management team making sure Chris received the Balloons and Card from Britney, I was in shock."
Christopher taip pat yra apsilankęs"Piece Of Me" koncerte Las Vegase 2014 metais. Bilietus ir kelionę jam padovanojo organizacija "Do It For Love".
"We went to see Britney’s show before Chris got sick again and one of Britney’s dancers, Mikey, came up to us and started talking to Chris! He was such a sweetheart!"
Jie taip pat turėjo progos susipažinti su asmenine Britney asistente Felicia:
"The gift Felicia gave to Chris was an autograph VIP laminated chain signed by Britney Spears herself, Chris’s face lit up when it was given to him! He was a very happy fan! Felicia is so sweet!"
Britney pasirodys "Jimmy Kimmel" laidoje
A video posted by Britney Galaxy (@britney_galaxy) on
Twitter: Britney pasidalino nauja "Piece Of Me" nuotrauka
Take 2 👯 Got it together for this one! #PieceOfMe pic.twitter.com/85z3WbSOiz— Britney Spears (@britneyspears) July 30, 2016
2016 m. liepos 30 d., šeštadienis
Twitter: Britney pasidalino nauja "Piece Of Me" nuotrauka
Obviously I didn't know what I was doing here 😂 Miss my girls! #PieceOfMe pic.twitter.com/MzVs7p24c7— Britney Spears (@britneyspears) July 30, 2016
2016 m. liepos 29 d., penktadienis
Britney interviu radijo stotyje "2Days" reklama
Jūsų dėmesiui dar vieno Britney interviu Australijos radijo stotyje "2Days" laidoje "Rove and Sam", kuris įvyks pirmadieni. Kol kas nėra skelbiama apie ką bus kalbama interviu metu, tačiau noriu priminti, kad buvo kalbos apie "The Intimate" kolekcijos pristatymą šioje valstybėje. Tad tikėtina, kad tai bus labiau susiję su šiuo įvykiu, nei su naujos muzikos išleidimu. Viską sužinosime pirmadieni vakare.
Hey #BritneyArmy your gal chats to @RoveAndSam on #2DayFM this Monday!— 2DayFM 104.1 (@2DayFM) July 28, 2016
Don't miss @britneyspears #MakeMe pic.twitter.com/lnXG51Fdoe
Britney yra "Spotify" platformos karalienė
Pop veteran Britney Spears proves she’s still got it by defeating 2010’s pop fad Katy Perry on the Spotify charts!
Music industry has moved onto streaming in recent years and Katy Perry seems to be having trouble adjusting to the new times.
Katy Perry’s ‘Rise’ failed to enter Spotiy’s Top 200 in the 6 days it has been released, despite heavy promo whitin the service, while “Make Me” rose to #65.
Britney’s comeback single “Make Me” already has 10M Spotify streams, while in comparison Katy’s “Rise” flops with 1.6M Spotify streams in the same amount of time.
Katy’s ‘Rise’ also quickly dropped out of the iTunes Top 15.
2016 m. liepos 28 d., ketvirtadienis
KIIS 106.5: pirmadieni bus naujas Britney interviu
Nauja singlo "Make Me" versija
2016 m. liepos 27 d., trečiadienis
Singlo "Make Me" debiutas "Global Chart Track Top 40"
Twitter: Britney pasidalino nauja nuotrauka
Class was great today! pic.twitter.com/0ObUyZlQBj— Britney Spears (@britneyspears) July 27, 2016
Singlo "Make Me" pozicijos Billboard topuose
- Billboard Hot 100 #17 (debiutas)
- Billboard Pop Songs #24 (+07)
- Billboard Digital Songs #03 (debiutas)
- Billboard Twitter Top Tracks #02 (+04)
- Social 50 Britney Spears #24 (-08)
- Official UK Charts #42 (DEBUT)
- Billboard Canadian Hot 100 #20 (debiutas)
- Billboard Canadian Digital Songs #05 (debiutas)
- Billboard Spotify Viral 50 #18 (debiutas)
Rolling Stone: reperio G-Eazy interviu apie Britney
How did you end up on the new Britney Spears single? That’s pretty wild.
It was hella wild. I was actually on tour in Australia. After the first leg in the U.S. and we got that email that was like, “Britney Spears wants to do a song.” I didn’t know if it was gonna be the single or what. It was just a no-brainer. I think we were in Melbourne, and I was like, “Yo, let’s see if there are any studios open here.” And literally after the show we went and cut it on the spot. That kind of thing you just drop whatever you’re doing to do.
Do you know what led her to reach out to you for the song?
No, but I heard it and I like it. I just wrote it like a conversation I was having with her, you know?
Were you a fan when you were younger?
Of course – I think we all were. Watching the VMAs when we were kids, she was one of the biggest entertainers in the world. And still is.
How would young G-Eazy have responded if someone told him he’d one day be rapping on a song with her?
I wouldn’t have believed it. It’s pretty insane.
2016 m. liepos 26 d., antradienis
14-as filmo "Austin Powers: Goldmember" gimtadienis
RateTheMusic: singlas "Make Me" tapo #1
Tumblr: Britney albumas pasirodys "labai greitai"
1) Hey Britney, what is your favorite song of the new album?
Hard to say – I love them all! One of my favorites of course is Make Me, which is why it’s the first single.
2) How was collaborating with g-eazy?
He’s such an amazing talent. It was fun! His rap really took the song to a new level.
3) What producers did you work with for your new album?
Burns, as you know, produced Make Me. You’ll have to wait until the album comes out to see all the rest!
4) What’s your favorite song at the moment?
Meghan Trainor – Me Too
5) Have you been playing Pokemon go?
Well this is a funny one. Just played it for first time with my sons! It was soooo hot outside!
6) What’s your favorite tv show?
“Sex and the City” is my favorite show of all time. “Friends” comes in a close second, and right behind it is “Breaking Bad”.
7) What do you like doing in your spare time?
I love to read!
8) What’s ur favorite recipe?
9) Can you tell us anything about your next album?
I’M SO EXCITED!!! I’ll just say this… We really explored some new things.
10) Will we see Make Me or any of the new songs from your new album in the next round of Vegas shows?
Make Me will be added for sure!
11) When is your new album coming out?
I love you Britney kisses from Brazil <3 i="" nbsp="" soon="" very="">
12) Do you read a lot? And what books would you recommend?
Anything Danielle Steele.
13) What’s your favorite thing about seeing the fans reactions on Make Me?!
Everything. I’m so proud of the song, and very happy my fans love it as much as I do.
14) What was your absolute favorite outfit you’ve performed in? YOU ARE MY POWER ANIMAL
The body jewels outfit from the Toxic video!
15) Can you give us some details about your next video?
There’s lots of female empowerment. Lol
2016 m. liepos 25 d., pirmadienis
Singlas "Make Me" debiutuoja Billboard Hot 100 tope
Billboard Hot 100: #17(new) Make Me, @britneyspears Feat. @G_Eazy.— chart data (@chartdata) July 25, 2016
People: Britney atvirauja apie savo 20-uosius kvepalus
This is the story about a girl named…Britney. In 2004, she launched her first fragrance, Curious. The next year came her follow-up, Fantasy, for which there have been more than a dozen remixes from the artist, including an after-hours adaptation (Midnight Fantasy), as well as Naughty and Nice interpretations and yes, even Anniversary and Intimate Editions (as if the aforementioned Midnight version wasn’t sensual enough). From 2010 to 2011 the star went through a reflective phase, so to speak, releasing Radiance and Cosmic Radiance back-to-back. And let us never forget Believe, promoted with the powerful tagline: “The greatest freedom is to believe in yourself.”
All in all, Spears has created 19 scents ranging from sweet to grown and sexy. (The complete list more delightfully dizzying than spraying all of them at once, we’re certain.) And like her music catalogue, her fragrance library is full of hits — the debut alone has reportedly sold over 500 million bottles in a decade on shelves. And now:
It’s Britney’s 20th fragrance, b—-!
Private Show, inspired by Spears’ adoration of dance and stage, is “really unique and special,” she tells PeopleStyle. Given the scent’s influence, it was only fitting she announced the release in the midst of her Las Vegas residency in June (see her sexy reveal, below).
To celebrate the epic achievement, Spears filled in our burning questions about beauty, all those bathing suit selfies and her beloved boys, Sean Preston, 10, and Jayden James, 9.
My favorite note in this new scent is…“The coffee note because iced coffee is my go-to drink before a long day of rehearsals.”
My biggest beauty splurge is…“A Facial. I love a great Oxygen facial.”
My favorite discovery in a Las Vegas casino is…“A dark chocolate & sea salt candy bar.”
My guilty pleasure food, even when I’m prepping for my Piece of Me performances, is…“Crawfish because it reminds me of home.”
Of all the looks I’ve worn over the years, the one I’ll keep forever is…“‘…Baby One More Time’ because it’s what really started it all.”
I love to show my swimsuits off because…“I’m a lover of water.”
My most treasured item is…“My boys! Self-explanatory.”
My favorite food to cook with my sons is…“Probably tacos. They are just simple, fun and they love them.”
The best compliment that my sons have ever given me is…“That they love me.”
The best thing about being 34 is…“Everything.”
Oficialu: Britney pasirodys iHeartRadio festivalyje
iHeartRadio Music Festival September 23 & 24 | T-Mobile Arena We’re making history once again as our 2016 iHeartRadio Music Festival returns to Las Vegas for the sixth year in a row. The biggest musical festival in the world will take over Sin City’s T-Mobile Arena for some mind-blowing action. From the iHeartRadio app to the stage, all of your favorite artists will be on one stage over the course of two nights to connect with fans from all over the world. U2 DRAKE BRITNEY SPEARS SAM HUNT TWENTY ONE PILOTS BILLY IDOL FLORIDA GEORGIA LINE ONEREPUBLIC SIA CAGE THE ELEPHANT ZEDD TEARS FOR FEARS ARIANA GRANDE PITBULL USHER STING AND FEATURING MACY’S iHEARTRADIO RISING STAR
Because I ❤ Vegas… I’ll be hitting the @iHeartRadio Festival stage! Get presale tix now: https://t.co/wTiFBWgTLN pic.twitter.com/bwhQYav4FG— Britney Spears (@britneyspears) July 25, 2016
2016 m. liepos 24 d., sekmadienis
Instagram: Britney pasidalino naujais vaizdo įrašais
A video posted by Britney Spears (@britneyspears) on
Fuse TV: kas turėtų pasirodyti Super Bowl 2017?
Britney atsakinės į gerbėjų klausimus
Jumping on @tumblr for Answer Time on 7/25! Meet me there at 7pm ET / 4pm PT 💕 https://t.co/YkJIgi5NQ6 pic.twitter.com/aJurZD2uCn— Britney Spears (@britneyspears) July 23, 2016
2016 m. liepos 23 d., šeštadienis
Singlo "Make Me" sėkmė pasaulio topuose
- singlas užėmė #1 vietą iTunes 61 pasaulio šalyje.
- #1 vietą iTunes JAV pasiekė per 90 minučių, Britney rekordas.
- #2 vietą pasaulio iTunes tope.
- 113 000 Shazam užklausų, pateko į JAV Top-10.
- 5,8 mln. perklausų Spotify erdvėje.
- beveik 10 mln. perklausų VEVO kanale.
- 35 mln. klausytojų auditorija JAV radijo stotyse, aukščiausias savaitės rodiklis.
- pardavimai JAV sudaro apie 82 000 kopijų.
- planuojamas debiutas Billboard Hot 100 tope: #16-19 vietą.
Šiai dienai singlas užima #45 vietą bendrame JAV Spotify tope, iš viso 2,044 mln. perklausų. Pasauliniame tope singlas užima #58 vietą, 5,84 mln. perklausų.
Perklausos pagal dienas JAV:
1 diena — #112 - 185K
2 diena — #96 - 206K
3 diena — #51 - 287K
4 diena — #49 - 315K
5 diena — #48 - 330K
6 diena — #40 - 368К
7 diena — #45 - 353К
Singlas ir toliau rodo puikius rezultatus JAV radijo stotyse. Šiai dienai singlas užima #21 vietą pagrindiniame Mediabase tope. Vakar dienos metu singlas skambėjo 560 kartų, iš viso jau skambėjo 3922 kartų. Šiuo metu singlo auditoriją sudaro beveik 32 mln. klausytojų.
Britney ir G-Eazy pasakoja apie savo singlą "Make Me"
Oakland, Calif., rapper G-Eazy is used to people writing him adoring fan letters, but when Britney Spears heard this year’s breakout hit “Me, Myself & I” (recorded with New York singer Bebe Rexha), she wrote him an e-mail asking him to collaborate.
“I was on tour in Australia when I heard she wanted me to do something for her,” he tells The Post of the song “Make Me,” which was released last week. “There’s no way you can pass on Britney — I remember having a crush on her when I was 8! So we found a recording studio the same night to make sure it was done.”
“I was blown away when I first heard ‘Me, Myself & I,’ ” Spears tells The Post via e-mail. “As soon as I heard it, I thought it would be great to work with G-Eazy … I think he’s so cool.”
Twitter: Britney pasidalino svajonių automobiliu
Dream car 😍 pic.twitter.com/eebIdccNh8— Britney Spears (@britneyspears) July 22, 2016
Twitter: Britney nori pamatyti mūsų šokių judesiukus
I wanna see you move 👯 #MakeMe is on @musicallyapp! Start posting & I'll share my faves! https://t.co/V4OFHnxhNY pic.twitter.com/PtUv5JVBhZ— Britney Spears (@britneyspears) July 22, 2016
Singlas "Make Me" debiutuoja Billboard “Twitter Top Tracks" tope
Britney Spears, also rallies to a top 10 debut on Top Tracks with “Make Me” (featuring G-Eazy) at No. 6. As with Perry’s “Rise,” Spears debuted her new song at midnight on July 15 across all digital retailers and streaming services. The new release powers Spears to 224,000 Twitter mentions for the week, up 303 percent, and rockets the superstar 36-16 on the Social 50 chart.
“Make Me” previews her ninth studio album, expected later this year.
The single also gives G-Eazy his highest charting song on the Top Tracks chart among seven charted titles. The rapper’s previous best showing was a No. 18 peak for “Tumblr Girls” (featuring Christoph Andersson) in February 2015.
Britney nori dueto kartu su Selena Gomez?
Technically, yes... But when are we working on our actual duet @selenagomez? 💋 https://t.co/fIKGC1IB0I— Britney Spears (@britneyspears) July 21, 2016
Twitter: Britney dėkoja savo gerbėjams už reklamą
Britney Army... I salute you on this one 🇺🇸 #MakeMe https://t.co/cGuJ0NQCPy pic.twitter.com/pxAodGekgE— Britney Spears (@britneyspears) July 20, 2016
Twitter: Britney leidžia laiką su savo šeima
Hurricane Harbor whoop whoop! pic.twitter.com/5FBeRQTjuO— Britney Spears (@britneyspears) July 19, 2016
Naujausias Britney singlas "Make Me..."
Liepos 16 diena anksti ryte sulaukėme Britney Twitter žinutės, kurioje ji pasidalino savo naujausiu singlu "Make Me..." įrašytu kartu su reperiu G-Eazy. Mėgaukitės!
— Britney Spears (@britneyspears) July 15, 2016
Oficiali Britney kvepalų "Private show" reklama
Britney Spears knows how to put on a show!
ET is exclusively premiering her brand new commercial for her latest fragrance, Private Show – and the sultry 60-second spot features a lengthy first listen of her new tune of the same name (in the player above).
The catchy track will appear on the 34-year-old’s highly anticipated ninth studio album, ET exclusively confirmed.
And just like the song, Britney’s ad is steamy!
It was shot and directed by Randee St. Nichols — who also worked with Britney on her Femme Fatale album shoot and more recently shot the glitzy campaign for her Las Vegas residency, Piece of Me.
At about the 32-second mark of the spot, you can hear Britney start to croon the words to her tune as she shows off her impressive dance move in a skimpy black two-piece – complete with fishnet stockings and black stilettos.
When the chorus kicks in, she sings, ‘take your seat now, put on a private show… pull the curtains until they close.’
And just before the commercial ends, Britney goes from wearing the dominatrix-inspired ensemble to sporting a shimmering silver bodysuit, giving us so many ‘Toxic’ music video vibes!
Britney tells ET that the song and the scent complement each other.
“Private Show is inevitably a sexy song and it promotes feeling sexy and girls feeling alive and I think that’s fun for girls,” she shares, adding, “I think the scent definitely has a combination of all those things.”
“The last couple of fragrances that I’ve done with Elizabeth Arden have been really special to me but I wanted to do something that was different.” And the scent — partially inspired by her “love of dulce de leche, white florals and iced coffee,” is perfect for summer.
“I like it during the day, especially in the summer when I wake up to feel vibrant and alive…,” she says. “It uplifts me, it makes me feel sexy and it’s really beautiful.”
Private Show will be available on July 25, only at Kohl’s.
Šimtas šešiasdešimt ketvirtas "Piece Of Me" koncertas Las Vegase
2016 m. liepos 12 d., antradienis
Oficialus singlo "Hands" vaizdo klipas
Šiandien buvo pristatytas oficialus singlo "Hands" dainų žodžių vaizdo klipas. Primenu, kad singlo įrašyme dalyvavo ir mūsų Britney. Pasiklausykite ir pasižiūrėkite tikrai puikios dainos!
Naujas Britney singlas "Make Me (Ooh)"
Forbes paskelbė daugiausiai 2016 metais uždirbusias garsenybes
Štai taip atrodo Top-10:
#01 Taylor Swift - $170 mln.
#02 One Direction - $110 mln.
#03 James Patterson - $95 mln.
#04 Dr. Phil McGraw - $88 mln.
#05 Cristiano Ronaldo - $88 mln.
#06 Kevin Hart - $87.5 mln.
#07 Howard Stern - $85 mln.
#08 Lionel Messi - $81.5 mln.
#09 Adele - $80.5 mln.
#10 Rush Limbaugh - $79 mln.
ET: trečiadieni parodysime pilną "Private show" reklamą
As for the “stay tuned” part, you won’t have to wait long. ET will feature exclusive footage of the “Work B*tch” singer shooting the sexy spot on Tuesday. Then on Wednesday, we will be debuting the full commercial — including an ear-full of that catchy track.
Until then, we’ll be over here cooing “Ooo! Ooo! Baby! Baby!” on repeat.
2016 m. liepos 11 d., pirmadienis
G-Eazy kalba apie būsimą Britney singlą
3-asis singlo "Ooh La La" gimtadienis
Twitter: Britney pasidalino kvepalų "Private Show" reklamos ištrauka
Stay tuned... #TakeABow pic.twitter.com/HFtjzdgV5n— Britney Spears (@britneyspears) July 11, 2016
Mediabase: greitai pasirodys naujas Britney singlas
2016 m. liepos 10 d., sekmadienis
Šimtas šešiasdešimt trečias "Piece Of Me" koncertas Las Vegase
A video posted by Jefry Pratama (@jefrypratama) on
Pranešimai (Atom)