2018 m. gegužės 29 d., antradienis

Twitter: Britney pasidalino naujomis nuotraukomis

Twitter: Britney pasidalino nauju vaizdo įrašu

Britney ruošiasi išleisti naują singlą?

Atrodo, kad nauja Britney muziką galime išgirsti greičiau negu patys manome. Vienas Twitter profilių (ankščiau pateikęs teisingos muzikinės informacijos) pasidalino, kad jau labai greitai išgirsime naują Britney singlą, kuris bus kitoks, negu mes visi iš jos tikimės. Belieka tik kantriai laukti.

Lady Gaga sudainavo "Baby One More Time"

2018 m. gegužės 28 d., pirmadienis

16-asis Britney singlo "I Love Rock 'N' Roll" gimtadienis

Britney patvirtino savo dainų miuziklą

Ar jūs pasiruošę Britney muziuklui? Dar prieš kelias savaites Britney kartu su savo vaikinu Sam buvo pastebėta Niujorke. Visiems buvo įdomu sužinoti kokiais tikslais įvyko šis vizitas. Ir neužilgo vienas iš atlikėjos gerbėjų/aktorių pasidalino Britney nuotraukomis iš greitai debiutuojančio miuziklo perklausos. Anot "US Weekly" ir "AOL" Britney davė savo palaiminimą šiam projektui:

Spears made to New York City May 12. In the new issue of Us Weekly, a source reveals that the “Make Me…” singer hit the Big Apple to attend the first reading of a Broadway musical scored with her hit songs. The play, planned for an early 2019 debut, “has been in the works for a while now,” the insider reveals. “Britney and her team gave their blessing last year,” and after hearing it come to life, “she responded really well!” While the title of the production “isn’t set in stone yet,” says the source, “the working title is ‘Hit Me Baby One More Time.’” The Broadway insider adds, “There is no one cast as the role of Britney yet.”

2018 m. gegužės 17 d., ketvirtadienis

Britney atnaujins "Piece Of Me" koncertus

Naujausio interviu su žurnalu "People" metu, Britney papasakojo apie artėjančius "Piece Of Me" koncertus Europoje:

"Kadangi aš labai seniai buvau Europoje, planuoju pridėti keletą naujų dainų. Šou metu bus daugybė pasikeitimų. Turiu dar nepilnus du mėnesius iki starto, tad džiaugiuosi, kad turėsiu laiko gerokai padirbėti".

Primenu, kad pirmasis koncertas įvyks Liepos 12 diena.

2018 m. gegužės 16 d., trečiadienis

"Amazon" skelbia apie naują Britney albumą

"Amazon" puslapyje tarp greitai išleidžiamų albumų atsirado ir Britney vardas. Puslapis informuoja, kad naujas albumas pasirodys birželio 29 diena. Netyčia suklydo ar tikrai laukia naujas albumas?

Britney dirba ties nauju albumu!

Naujausiame interviu su žurnalu "People" Britney papasakojo apie savo valgymi ypatybes bei užsiminė apie tai, kad dirba ties naujuoju albumu, tačiau kolkas tai yra "didelė paslaptis":

She’s one of the biggest pop stars in the world, but Britney Spears gets hangry just like the rest of us.
“It’s tricky because sometimes my appetite is through the roof and I will just inhale a club sandwich or some fries,” the 36-year-old singer — who’s taking her Piece of Me tour to the East coast and Europe starting in July — tells PEOPLE exclusively about balancing a healthy diet. “Then sometimes I’m just very cold and I don’t want to eat anything. It’s really, really weird how back-and-forth I am.”
When Spears does get a craving though? Watch out.
“When I’m hungry, it’s like ‘Don’t talk to me.’ I am the devil. I am so moody. I’m a bitch,” jokes the entertainer, whose famous face will be featured on limited-edition cans of soda this summer as part of the Pepsi Generations campaign. “I want a hamburger and I want it now! I love food so much.”
And though she loves to share fun (and steamy!) workout videos with her fans on social media, the star says she keeps her exercise routines pretty simple.
“I don’t work out that much to be totally honest with you,” says Spears. “I like to dance and I like yoga. I found a really good teacher. I think yoga is about finding the right teacher, so I can really get into that.”
Aside from gearing up for her tour, Spears is also currently in the recording studio working on her upcoming album but staying mum on the details.
Says the star: “It’s a big secret!”

18-asis legendinio Britney albumo "Oops I Did It Again" gimtadienis

Twitter: Britney pasidalino naujais vaizdo įrašais

2018 m. gegužės 15 d., antradienis

Twitter: Britney pasidalino nauju vaizdo įrašu

Singlo "Till The World Ends" pasiekimas

Lygiai prieš 7-ius metus Britney singlas "Till The World Ends" pasiekė #3 vietą "Billboard Hot 100" tope.

2018 m. gegužės 13 d., sekmadienis

Britney dalinasi prisiminimais apie savo legendinę "Pepsi" reklamą

Naujausiame interviu su žurnalu "People", Britney sugrįžta į 2001 metus, kuomet buvo nufilmuota jau legendine tapusia "Pepsi" reklama. Štai interviu:

Britney Spears will forever be a part of the Pepsi family.
The 36-year-old superstar starred in her first commercial for the beverage company in 2001 — and now 17 years later an iconic shot of the singer will appear on retro limited-edition cans this summer as part of the Pepsi Generations Summer campaign.
“That was like 15 years ago. Goodness!” reflects Spears about her long relationship with Pepsi in an exclusive interview with PEOPLE. “I’m like, ‘Wait a second!’”
Some of her favorite memories collaborating with the company were formed on set of her epic 2002 “Now and Then” Pepsi commercial, for which the entertainer recreated iconic Pepsi ads throughout the decades during a days-long shoot.
“We had a couple of different set-ups, and we had one where I was Robert Palmer. We did a remake of ‘Simply Irresistible,’ and I had to go through hair and makeup,” says the star, who is bringing her “Piece of Me” tour to the East Coast and Europe in July and August. “It took forever because they were turning me into a man!”
Looking back, however, Spears remembers they made her hair “too big” and she ended up looking “like a girl with a beard,” she jokes. “I was like, ‘I look nothing like him and we spent like four hours on hair and makeup.”
She also has fond memories of spending time with her younger sister Jamie Lynn Spears, now 27, who was a tween at the time and made a cameo in the commercial.
“She was on set with me and we were all out in this field. It was so hot, and we all had to be like hippies and kind of swing our bodies around,” says Spears.
Spears’s favorite scene from the commercial, though, is the “traditionally classic” one in which she shows off her dance moves in front of a drive-in while baring her infamous abs in a crop top and low-rise bottoms.
“It was in a sound studio, and it was really tight,” she says. “At the time [with] my belly showing, it was very, very cool. It’s probably one of my most proud pieces of work.”
Britney Spears is now spotted on selected “Pepsi” cans and bottles! You can also find a huge cut out of the Pepsi Queen in stores as well!

Britney atskrido į Niujorką

Dar prieš porą valandų Britney su savo komanda nusileido Niujorke. Skelbiama, kad atlikėja atvyko į būsimo miuziklo pagal jos dainas repeticijas. Laukiame daugiau naujienų.

Dar keletas Britney "Pepsi" plakatų

Naujausi reklaminiai "Pepsi" plakatai JAV

Filmo "The Spy Who Dumped Me" garso takelis su Britney singlu "Work Bitch"

2018 m. gegužės 10 d., ketvirtadienis

Britney interviu apie šeimą, vaikiną ir koncertinį turą

Naujas Britney interviu puslapyje "The News Observer" apie jos Instagram profilį, vaikiną Sam ir koncertinį "Piece Of Me" turą:

"Spears and Sam Asghari went through intricate movements, including Asghari lifting Spears several times and Spears doing a headstand — and it seemed effortless. But in reality, Spears says he put her through it.
“He’s a trainer so everything has to be so perfect. We probably did 40 (takes) and I hurt myself,” she joked in an interview with The Associated Press. “It looked great, he did a good job and he edited it really, really well.”
“With (Sam), I did it a million times and I swear it was horrible, but when I do it just with my kids it’s really fast,” she said.
Spears said she prefers challenging workouts because she has “always been an active person” and gets bored easily. She plans to ramp up those exercises in the coming weeks as she prepares to return to touring with the “Piece of Me” tour, sponsored by Pepsi. She’ll also be one of the superstars included in the Pepsi Generations summer campaign where the company will reissue retro cans featuring acts that have participated in earlier campaigns, including Michael Jackson and Ray Charles.
Spears’ tour takes her Las Vegas residency on the road and will be the last opportunity for fans to see that show. She’ll perform dates across North America and Europe. It kicks off July 12 in Washington, D.C.
Spears said she looks forward to getting back onstage because it helps bring her out of her shell.
“I’m very sensitive and sometimes I just want to run away because I’m a very shy person,” she said in a phone interview Wednesday. “I think energy is contagious and when I get onstage with the dancers, we all kind of vibe off each other. We feel the same energy and we connect.”
Watching Spears perform, it may be difficult to imagine that she may not be outgoing, but she said she has a stage persona that takes over in front of an audience.
“I think it’s healthy to be able to put on the persona of being confident,” said Spears, who also said she’s on a kick of reading self-help books.
“I think it’s an escape because honestly with how shy I really am, I don’t think it’s healthy,” she said. Performing is “a boost to my confidence. It’s like an alter-ego type thing. Something clicks and I go and turn into this different person. I think it’s kind of a gift to be able to do that.”

14-as Britney baladės "Everytime" gimtadienis

Facebook: Britney pasidalino trumpu vaizdo įrašu

2018 m. gegužės 7 d., pirmadienis

Britney peržiūros YouTube kanale

Oficialus Britney YouTube kanalas turi jau daugiau nei 5 mlrd. peržiūrų. Top-5 daugiausiai peržiūrų turintis vaizdo klipai:

662.5M - Scream & Shout 
341.2M - Baby One More Time 
322.5M - Toxic 
286.2M - Work Bitch 
240.7M - I Wanna Go

Atnaujinama oficiali internetinė Britney parduotuvė

Šiuo metu oficiali internetinė Britney parduotuvė uždaryta, kadangi vyksta atnaujinimo darbai. Manoma, kad jie yra susiję su koncertinio turo "Piece Of Me" artėjančia pradžia. Primenu, kad koncertai prasidės Liepos 12d. JAV ir pasibaigs Europoje. 

2018 m. gegužės 5 d., šeštadienis

3-asis Britney ir Iggy Azalea singlo "Pretty Girls" gimtadienis

Twitter: Britney pasidalino naujomis nuotraukomis

Twitter: Britney pasidalino nauju vaizdo įrašu