2011 m. liepos 14 d., ketvirtadienis

Femme Fatale turas: Koncertas Houston mieste

Vakar praėjo jau penkioliktasis Britney koncertas. "Femme Fatale" sudrebino Teksaso valstijoje esanti Houston miestą. Koncertas buvo pilnai išpirktas. Taip pat po koncerto atsakė į gerbėjų Twitter žinutes:
 - Love u Houston! -Brit RT @AndrewFatale Just saw @britneyspears for the 4th time. Gets better each time! RT IF YOU LOVE #HOUSTON
 - Thank YOU for coming to the show! -Brit RT @Ray21Yoko concert was the BOMB.COM!!! Thanks for coming to Houston, Brit!! (:
 - LOL no we did not! -Brit RT @ShaneReacti0n Houston, we didn’t have a problem… ’cause Britney rocked

 - Glad u had fun Miriam! -Brit RT @bspearsforever0 thank you for an amazing show 2nite in Houston! Not once was I sitting down. Love you <3
 - Thx girl - I love Houston! -Brit RT @AllyNance I didnt know how u were going 2 top circus tour but OMG IM BEYOND WORDS! Killed it in HOUSTON

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