2011 m. rugpjūčio 1 d., pirmadienis

Femme Fatale turas: Koncertas Washingtone

Vakar įvyko dar vienas Britney koncertas, JAV sostinėje - Washingtone. Anot pranešimų, visi bilietai buvo išpirkti. Po koncerto pop pricesė atsakė į kelias Twitter gerbėjų žinutes:
 Keep on dancing girl… -Brit RT  was awesome!! We'll keep on dancing till the world ends! 
 - Thx Ken - glad u had fun! -Brit RT  blew my mind tonight!!! SHE WAS PERFECT IN DC!!!! I love her!!
 - You know it! DC was on fire. -Brit RT   did you have fun in DC tonight?!?!
 - Yes!!! Had so much fun… -Brit RT   you KILLED it in DC! Felt your energy from front row. Come back soon!!!!?

Hold It Against Me 
Piece Of Me 
Big Fat Bass 
Gimme More 
Baby One More Time 
I'm Slave 4 U 
I Wanna Go

Till The World Ends 

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