2013 m. gegužės 22 d., trečiadienis

"X Faktor" ilgisi Britney?

Vakar vakare startavo jau trečiasis "X Factor" sezonas. Vienam dalyviui atliekant dainą, Simon'as pakomentavo:

"For a moment I closed my eyes and it sounded like @britneyspears was on stage."- @SimonCowell. or

O štai ir pilna atrankoje dalyvavusio vaikino istorija:
"Hey Jordan huge fan of Brit and your website. I submitted an online audition in March for the XFactor and heard back in early May that I was chosen to audition infront of the judges on the 21st. I sang Britney\’s \”…Baby One More Time\” which I did kinda badly since I was very exhausted after sitting in the arena for 14 hours. Mainly because Simon was late and delayed auditions. After my audition Simon commented \”for a second I closed my eyes and thought Britney was on stage, but when I opened them back up it wasn\’t and it was creepy because you weren\’t wearing the schoolgirl outfit\” I was really embarrassed haha. Paulina was rude. she said \”not everyone can sing Britney, especially with a microphone\” which I took at her throwing shade at Britney for lip-syncing. Demi gave me a thumbs up when I said I wanted a career like britneys and Kelly said she loved my shoes and demi agreed. I got four NO\’s. I didn\’t receive any negative feedback besides demi saying she doesn\’t understand how I will fit in the industry sounding like Brit".

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