2013 m. liepos 12 d., penktadienis

Kas pasirodys "Super Bowl" pertraukos metu 2014 metais?

Amžinas klausimas. "Billboard" ir vėl jį užduoda. Kas gi turėtų pasirodyti "Super Bowl XLVIII" pertraukos metu? Manai, kad pats metas Britneyy sudrebinti sceną? Balsuok! 
Štai, ką rašo "Billboard" apie Britney galimybes:
"Britney Spears -- Although she was featured in the 2001 Super Bowl halftime festivities alongside 'N Sync, Aerosmith, Mary J. Blige and Nelly, Britney has certainly earned the right to headline the big show. With a new album in the works, Britney could finally make a splash in 2014".

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