2013 m. spalio 1 d., antradienis

"Rolling Stone" įvertina naująjį Britney singlą

Naujasis Britney singlas "Work Bitch" "RollingStone.com" kritikų įvertintas 4 žvaigždutėmis iš 5 galimų. Žemiau pateikiamas jų komentaras:

"Will.i.am draws up the perfect nü-Britney blueprint: a squelchy thumper that’s light on singing and heavy on hilarious directives barked in an English accent: “You want a Maserati?/You better work, bitch.” Blasts of clubby synths do most of the work, while Britney winks at the world, turning the word “governor” over in her mouth like it’s a caviar-coated Cheeto".

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