2013 m. lapkričio 28 d., ketvirtadienis

Antroji "ET" intervių dalis su Britney

Antroje "ET" intervių dalyje Britney prisipažįsta, kad yra įsimylėjusi savo vaikiną David'ą. Ji papasakojo, kad jos draugai supažindino ją su juo.

"I like the fact that he’s very stubborn and stuck in his ways, and he’s very simple minded and he’s just a simple man,” Britney says about her man. “I adore him".

Britney taip pat kalba apie tai, kaip jai teko bučiuotis su nepažįstamu vaikinu vaizdo klipo "Perfume" filmavime:
"We had a discussion about that. In Hollywood it’s so acceptable to just like go do a movie and makeout with someone… but I think some people who are very old fashioned kind of don’t believe in that… we’re kind of torn in that whole situation".

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