2013 m. lapkričio 28 d., ketvirtadienis

Kritikų įvertinimai albumui "Britney Jean"

Internete pasirodė pirmieji albumo "Britney Jean" kritikų įvertinimai. Visi, kas save laiko žurnalistais, blogeriais, rašytojais ir kitais asmenimis, kuriems yra suteikta galia įvertinti atlikėjų albumus išsakė savo nuomonę. Šis albumas yra skirtas mums, jos gerbėjams, tačiau malonu matyti, kad pasaulis vertina jos atsidavimą muzikai per paskutinius 15 karjeros metų. Yra keletas ir neigiamų įvertinimų, tačiau tai nebūtų muzikos pasaulis, jei visiems neįtiktum savo dainomis. 
Pasižvalgykite po įvertinimus:

USA Today
“As a musical reintroduction, certainly, Britney Jean offers as much grace as anyone could have expected.”

Rolling Stone
“‘Britney Jean’ continues the roll she’s been on in recent years… Britney remains the queen who out-bangs, outbooms, out-bizarres them all.”

The Telegraph
“Britney Jean is polished pop but beneath the gleam lie banal lyrics and a lack of personality.”

“Britney Jean is the first Britney Spears album in which the singer is credited as a co-writer on every track. This suggests that Britney might be vying for some kind of artistic credibility. Alas, it’s more likely that she’s finally decided to grab a chunk of those lucrative publishing royalties for herself.”

LA Times
“‘Britney Jean’ shows a more vulnerable Britney Spears.”

“Britney Jean,” her first album released in her thirties, is a subtle shift away from frantic bangers and into more forthright songwriting.’”

Entertainment Weekly
“In just 10 tidy songs, it brings us closer than ever before to this distant dreamer.’”

The Guardian
“In just 10 tidy songs, it brings us closer than ever before to this distant dreamer.’”

Now Magazine
“Over eight albums, her somewhat inscrutable je ne sais quoi has never really faltered.”

Time Out
“Britney’s latest is a mixed bag, but at least she’s found her voice again.”

“Britney Jean is a solid pop record that occasionally tries to answer some of those questions while also feeling like the Spears album where she’s the most absent.”

Toronto Sun
“That’s all there is to the shallow Britney Jean. But what does she care? Like Elvis in the ’70s, she’s headed to Vegas, where Ms. Work Ethic will soon avoid the rigours of touring by lip-synching the same show in the same room night after night for an endless stream of suckers and sycophants.”

“For the first time in her career, Britney has released an album that is just okay — by her standard, anyway.’”

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