Balandžio 10 diena JAV yra švenčiama - National Siblings Day (nacionalinė brolių ir seserų šventė). Matėme Britney Twitter sveikinimą, tačiau jaunoji sesuo Jamie Lynn taip pat nepamiršo pasveikinti savo giminaičių. Koncerto Čikagoje metu ji Britney skyrė dainą "I Look Up To You". Prieš dainos atlikimą ji kreipėsi į salėje esančius gerbėjus ir pasakė:
"I just call her up if there is anything that I need to hear from or need advice on,” JL recently said in an interview. “It’s just a sister thing. It’s not really anything about the job. But it is nice having someone whose obviously been very successful and been through it all to be able to tell you little secrets here and there.
She thinks it’s brave that I am out there really laying it on the line with some of my lyrics,” she added said. “So I think that we do influence just as far as the craft goes even though it is two completely different sounds."
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