2014 m. birželio 12 d., ketvirtadienis

VH1: Top-10 liūdniausių vaizdo klipų

Muzikos kanalas VH1 sudarė Top-10 liūdniausių vaizdo klipų sąrašą. #8 vietoje atsidūrė ir lyriškosios Britney baladės "Everytime" vaizdo klipas.

"Perhaps Spears’ most honest and vulnerable track ever, “Everytime” was first seen as a response to ex-boyfriend Justin Timberlake’s “Cry Me a River” video, where a Britney look-a-like cheats on him. However, the video was something completely different: Spears gets in a fight with her on-camera man and drowns in a bathtub, only to be reincarnated in the end as a –gasp!—newborn baby. (But she emerges from the tub as a smiling Britney, so was it all a dream? The humanity!) We lose it when Spears sinks under water—a world without Britney is no world at all."

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