2014 m. rugpjūčio 5 d., antradienis

Britney dėkoja Zoe Saldana už gerus žodžius

Prieš kelias dienas naujausiame Zoe Saldana interviu "Watch What Happens Live" laidos metu, aktorė negailėjo gerų žodžių apie Britney ir kuomet jos paklausė nuomonės apie nutekėjusią tariamai dainos "Alien" vokalą ji atrėžė:

"That’s mean,” Zoe said. “I’m pretty sure that 80 percent of our musical artists would be mortified if they were caught singing without auto-tune.”
“She was the only pop star at that time – and I can name a lot of prominent figures right now that today are more famous than Britney – that literally got to where they were at by hating on Britney a lot. Because it was cool at one time to really just diss her. And Britney never did that."
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