2014 m. spalio 3 d., penktadienis

Britney ruošia atnaujinti "Piece Of Me" pasirodymus

Britney vadybininkas Larry Rudolph patvirtino, kad prasidėjus naujiems "Piece Of Me" koncertams mūsų laukia keli pokyčiai. Vienas iš jų yra tai, kad Britney ruošia atnaujinti "Slave 4 U" pasirodymą:

"Larry Rudolph‚ who manages Britney Spears and Miley Cyrus among others‚ said he’s been an official Las Vegas resident since February “and loving it!” Rudolph said he was spending so much time in Las Vegas when Spears started rehearsing for her “Piece Of Me” show at Planet Hollywood and then opened the show that he decided to buy here. He said she’s currently tweaking her “Slave For You” performance. She returns to Planet Hollywood on Oct. 3. …".

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