2015 m. birželio 17 d., trečiadienis

"Heat Magazine": kodėl mes mylime Britney?

Žurnalas "Heat Magazine" skelbia konkursą, kuriame galima laimėti kelionę į Las Vegasą, bei galimybę pamatyti Britney Spears​ "Piece Of Me" koncertą. Straipsnyje rašoma apie 6 dalykus, dėl kurių mes mylime mūsų pop princesę (plačiau skaitykite šiame puslapyje):

- The big blonde hair swishing out over her head, the unexpected hip bops, that over-exaggerated lip-lick every time she sings a word beginning with L… we’ve no idea how many pairs of cargo pants Britney’s got through, but we’re going to slap a tenner on it being in the triple figures now. 
- Can you even believe Brit burst onto the music scene back in 1998 with those oh-so-innocent pigtails and big doe eyes? That’s 17 YEARS of smash hits. And she’s STILL GOING – her new single Pretty Girls features Iggy Azalea as a weird ‘90s alien, because obviously.
- Did you know someone in the UK buys a bottle of Britney Spears’ Fantasy fragrance every 22 SECONDS? She obviously knows her stuff in the perfume department.
- From snogging Madonna at the 2003 MTV Video Music Awards to wearing an ACTUAL SNAKE as a scarf for Slave 4 U, Britney always brings it to every show. We’d actually be scared to stand next to her in case she plans to involve us in her next visual delight.
- People say William Shakespeare was the number one influence over the English language. Those people are WRONG – “It’s Britney, bitch!” is probably more recognisable than any other brand logo, and even your nan says it sometimes when you sass her.
- Britney’s Vegas residency is in such hot demand her stint’s been extended to 2017! She’ll be continuing to blast out the hits and hair-flicks 50 times a YEAR for a long time yet.

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