2015 m. birželio 19 d., penktadienis

Hillary Duff norėtų būti, kaip Britney

Naujausiame savo interviu su "Buzzfeed" atlikėja Hillary Duff atviravo, kaip ji norėtų būti tokia, kaip mūsų pop princesė Britney. Intervių ištrauka:

When did you realize you had a passion for singing, and what made you decide to come back to music?

I always loved music, but I wanted obviously to be an actress. I was filming Lizzie McGuire for two years — we did like 65 episodes in two years. So after that I was like, ah, I gotta do something to not be Lizzie McGuire. And I loved her! And it was all good. But I was, like, just tired of doing the same thing every day, all day.

And I obviously loved Britney Spears, and I was like, I wanna be just like her! And I started singing. I started trying to sing, you know — getting vocal lessons and stuff like that. And that’s how it started.

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