2015 m. rugpjūčio 26 d., trečiadienis

Iggy Azalea interviu apie Britney

Naujausiame savo interviu su "Capital FM" reperė Iggy Azalea prisipažino, kad ji žavisi tuo, kaip Britney susitvarko su savo karjera ir sugebėjimą išlaikyti normalų šeimyninį gyvenimą. Plačiau skaitykite šiame puslapyje.

"Iggy Azalea is making no secret of her admiration for Britney Spears – saying she has been inspired by how long Brits has been in the business and still managed to keep a normal home life.

The ‘Fancy’ rap star, who teamed up with Britney on ‘Pretty Girls’ earlier this year, says she feels “hope” for her own future when looking at how well Britney keeps her family life as normal as possibly despite her extreme fame.

“I definitely think it’s good to see Britney managing with the most extreme fame you could possibly ever have and being okay,” Iggy revealed, while chatting to The Fix. “That’s got to be claustrophobic.

“I know I feel claustrophobic sometimes so to see her surviving with a fairly normal private life gives me hope,” the rap star explained."

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