2015 m. rugsėjo 6 d., sekmadienis

Dar viena Britney "Piece Of Me" peticija

Tinklapio "Buzzfeed" žurnalistas Matt Stopera inicijavo dar vieną peticiją susijusia su Britney. Nuo "We The People" peticija turi surinkti 100 000 parašų, kuriais norima parodyti, kad gerbėjai visame pasaulyje nori, kad Britney pratęstų savo Las Vegas rezidenciją dar dviems metams. Šiuo metu jau yra surinkta 1260 parašų, daugiau informacijos šiame puslapyje.

"It has come to our attention, as the citizens of this United States, that Ms. Britney Spears will potentially no longer be performing her now iconic “Piece Of Me” show in Las Vegas, NV.

As one of the largest and most prominent recording artists in the world, Ms. Spears and her show serve as an exemplary display of American popular culture. After two years of inspiring fans from all over the world, Britney has an obligation as a national icon to continue to her Vegas residency.

We the people urge the Obama administration to address this issue and demand Britney Spears to sign for another two years in Las Vegas."

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