2015 m. spalio 31 d., šeštadienis

Britney ir Celine Dion kovoja dėl Las Vegaso?

Praeita mėnesi Britney oficialiai paskelbė apie "Piece Of Me" koncertų pratęsimą iki 2017 metų. Tačiau ar tai buvo geras sprendimas? "Fox News" šaltiniai žiūri labai skeptiškai, kadangi šiuo metu Las Vegase vyksta tikra moterų dvikova. Rugpjūčio mėnesi Celine Dion sugrįžo į Las Vegasą su naujais savo koncertais, kurie tęsis iki 2016 metų vidurio. Kolkas sėkmė šypsosi Celine dion, jos koncertai pasižymi 100% perkamumu, tuo tarpu mūsų Britney tik apie 70%. Štai, apie ką kalbama straipsnyje:

"Britney got off to a really good start, but her fans aren’t particularly Vegas people,” said one source. “It’s hard to keep people interested in an act like Britney Spears since she’s a 1990s, 2000s pop star. That fan base doesn’t really come to Vegas to see shows.” These days, “They’re there for the EDM scene and DJs.” Another alleged insider told Page Six, “[Spears’ ticket sales] have nothing to do with Céline. Acts like Céline and Elton John have had adult fans for many years and they go to Vegas to see them regularly. Britney’s fans are young adults who grew up with her as little girls. How many times do they [go to] Vegas?” They added, “she can fill arenas, but a residency is another beast. A residency is different from a worldwide tour. Those seats have to be filled every night, and that’s difficult to do with a younger fan base.” We’re not sure shows get renewed for two more years if it’s underperforming, ya dig?"

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