2016 m. gegužės 17 d., antradienis

11-asis realybės šou "Chaotic" gimtadienis

Lygiai prieš 11-ą metų pasirodė bendras Britney ir jos buvusio vyro Kevin realybės šou "Chaotic". Iš viso buvo parodytos tik 5-ios serijos, prasidėjusius nuo gegužės 17 dienos. Trumpas šio realybės šou aprašymas:

"The reality TV series was originally intended as a spin off from Britney’s Onyx Hotel Tour and most of the initial footage was filmed around that time. The original concept was a reality TV show in partnership with MTV focusing on Britney’s back up dancers on the tour and it was due to be called On-tourage (her on tour entourage). Unfortunately due to Britney’s leg injury and the tour being cut short, filming was cancelled. Britney then continued to use the footage for her own personal reality TV show, since this was also how she met Kevin.
The TV series focuses on a personal look into the life of Britney the pop superstar and also her relationship with Kevin right up until their wedding day.
The TV show was deemed pretty risky during the time of release and critics felt like it may not have been the best decision to release a reality TV show at that time. The show did however prove to be very successful and allowed people to relate to Britney on and off stage.
There was a massive bidding war on who was due to air the series, to which UPN won. The show was originally going to be called, ‘Britney And Kevin: Can You handle Our Truth,’ but was later changed to the theme song, ‘Chaotic."

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