2016 m. gegužės 19 d., ketvirtadienis

Britney žaidimas užkariauja topus

Naujas Britney žaidimas "American Dream" jau pradėjo užkariauti žaidimų topus. "Apple store" žaidimas šiuo metu jau pakilo net į #6 vietą. Laukiame tos pirmosios vietos!

“I’m a creative person by nature, and… now I get to flex my creative muscles in a whole new way,” said Spears. “I’m so excited to share this project with my fans. Mobile gaming is something completely new for me and I can’t wait to hear what my fans think of all the fun music, outfits, pets, and artwork. I hope they adore it as much as I do!” -Britney Spears

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