2016 m. gegužės 20 d., penktadienis

People.com: Britney sugrįžta į televizijos ekranus

Puiki savaitė būti Britney gerbėju. Artėja jos neeilinis pasirodymas "Billboard Music Awards" apdovanojimuose, kuris įvyks gegužės 22 diena. Žurnalas "People.com" surinko 7-is geriausius televizijoje parodytus atlikėjos pasirodymus, pavadindami "Britney Spears' 7 Most Life-Altering Performances". Perskaityti galite šiame puslapyje.

Brit is back, y'all. 
Britney Spears will be the one to watch at Sunday's Billboard Music Awards, where she'll perform a medley of her greatest hits and accept the Millennium Award for outstanding career achievements and influence in the music industry. 
Mark Bracco, a Billboard Awards executive producer, promises that the set will be legendary. 
"It's going to be her with a couple dozen dancers, plus costume changes, and she's going to walk through her catalog," he said.

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