2016 m. birželio 7 d., antradienis

Britney-Galaxy žinutė visiems gerbėjams

Pagrindinis Britney gerbėjų puslapis "Britney-Galaxy" parašė atvirą žinutę visiems Britney Army nariams. Daug nekomentuojant siūlau paskaityti:

"Dear Britney Army, 

As you may know, Britney was recently on on set filming her new music video for her upcoming single “Make Me” and we are all VERY excited to see what Britney has in store for us. With that being said, it would be greatly appreciated if you could all refrain from posting any leaks on set of the music video and also any leaks of the song. It is not fair to the fans that want to be surprised and also to Britney who has been working VERY hard on making this perfect for us all. We understand that everyone is very eager to see what Britney has coming our way but trust us, it will definitely be worth the wait! If anyone finds any unreleased music or unreleased images, PLEASE email us at britneygalaxy@outlook.com and we will forward it right away to the higher-ups. Any questions please feel free to contact us as well. Thank you all very much for understanding and we love you all VERY much!"

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