2019 m. balandžio 26 d., penktadienis

Sony Pictures gavo filmo leidimą Britney miuziklui

Sony Pictures laimėjo aukcioną, kurio dėka gavo visas filmo kūrimo teises į Brodvėjaus miuziklą "Once Upon a One More Time", kuris yra statomas pagal geriausias Britney dainas. Miuziklo premjera yra numatyta lapkričio mėn. Čikagoje, vėliau pastatymas keliaus į Brodvėjų. 

"In Once Upon a One More Time, Snow White, Cinderella, and other always-need-to-be-saved princesses get a lesson in Feminism 101 when a rogue fairy godmother hands them Betty Friedan’s 1960s classic The Feminine Mystique at their book club. No word yet on how the princesses will inevitably tell their princes just how “Toxic” they are. Maybe they’ll whip their men into shape in “Circus”? The musical is also likened to Mamma Mia! because of its screen potential. Mamma Mia!’s pop connections to ABBA and Cher are another big similarity. Should we expect a star-studded sequel for Britney’s film as well?"

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