2019 m. gegužės 11 d., šeštadienis

Britney ir jos mamos pasirodymas teismo posėdyje

Trumpai pristatome naujausius įykius iš vakar įvykusio teismo posėdžio, kuriame dalyvavo ir pati Britney su savo mama. Sekantis teismo posėdis numatytas rugpjūčio 15d. 

On Friday, May 10th Britney Spears and Lynne Spears held hands together while entering the court room. While everyone entered the courtroom, Britney’s attorney, Sam Ingham, said that Britney was the one who wanted the hearing and because of the sensitive issues everyone had to be cleared out. Everyone of course was in full panic mode because we had no idea what was going to happen, but as fans we know this is not about US, it is about Britney. The big question now is what exactly went down during the courtroom?! Did Britney have a voice?! Did the judge grant anything to Britney?! What exactly happened! Well Absolute Britney can exclusively tell you the TRUTH on what went down.
It was brought to our attention that several media outlets, have been reporting a lot of negative things about Britney’s hearing yesterday, however that is NOT the case at all. During the hearing Britney did get up and speak on her behalf. Britney first wants to focus on her childrens custody before she gets freed. The judge granted Britney the opportunity to have her parental capabilities evaluated, which is an amazing thing! Britney however did ask for other things but the Judge DID deny it for right now because everything still needs to go through legal matters, which is not a bad thing at all! Baby steps everyone. The fact this is all happening right now is powerful and positive. This is the most positive thing from the hearing yesterday: The judge granted the review which is the most important part! The appointed experts have to evaluate everything, it will be a non biased expert appointed by the court, that will do the evaluation, and things will be taken from there! Bottom line, Britney is being granted an EXPERT REVIEW and ALL things are being looked into!!!
Bottom line everyone. We can confirm everything went fantastic and positive. This whole #FreeBritney movement has really been helping, everyone speaking, and most of all fighting for Britney has been helping too! We have to keep doing what we are doing: Thinking positive, Praying for an amazing outcome, Having faith, and most of all NOT BELIEVING the negative articles. We always say, if it is not posted on Absolute Britney, it is NOT TRUE!!

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