2016 m. rugpjūčio 1 d., pirmadienis

Britney interviu su radijo stotimi " KIIS 106.5"

Ankstyva pirmadienio rytą įvyko pirmasis Britney interviu Australijos radijo stočiai "KIIS 106.5". Pop princesė patvirtino, kad naujiems "Piece Of Me" koncertams ji yra paruošusi net dvi naujas dainas, papasakojo apie savo darbus ties 9-uoju albumu ir žinoma pasidalino džiugiomis akimirkomis su savo berniukais. 

“I’ve been working on this project for almost 2 years now.” @britneyspears on #MakeMe with @G_Eazy #KJshow 
“It’s fun to work with people who are new artists and up and coming and hungry.” @britneyspears #KJhow”
“I really have no idea when my next album is supposed to come out.” @britneyspears on her new album #KJshow
“My kids are obsessed with #PokemonGo, every 2 mins it’s “mum there’s one over there!” @britneyspears #KJshow 
“Anytime my niece brings dolls over my son is like ‘mum get that out of here!’ He’s scared of dolls.” @britneyspears
“The next round that we go [of her Vegas show] we’ll have a lot more stuff from new album.” @britneyspears #KJshow

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