2016 m. rugpjūčio 1 d., pirmadienis

Nauas interviu su Australijos radijo stotimi "104.1"

Antrasis Britney interviu su Australijos radijo stotimi "104.1". Interviu metu atlikėja papasakojo apie savo būsimą studijinį albumą, dvi naujas "Piece Of Me" koncertų dainas, jos aistrą žaidimui "Pokemon Go". Štai keletas citatų:

“There’s a couple of things we touch on – Intimacy.. me being a hopeless romantic..” @britneyspears on new music and speaking about her new upcoming album 
“The album is coming to the table soon, so that will shake things up a bit!” @britneyspears
They’re constantly talking about it and i’m always introduced to new pokemon characters!” @britneyspears 
“I went all over the mall looking for them! I was like, It’s summer, let’s go looking for Pokemon!” @britneyspears 
“I thought for a second that @rihanna had lost her mind!” @britneyspears laughs about #Rihanna and Pokemon
“I’m not a club person.. i’m a mum, so I don’t really go out!” @britneyspears on living in Vegas for her shows 
“I will be adding two new songs from my album to “Piece Of Me”

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