2015 m. balandžio 30 d., ketvirtadienis
2016 metais pasirodys Britney Spears žaidimas
Nuo pat savo muzikinės karjeros debiuto prieš 17 metų, Britney išlieka, kaip viena ryškiausių pop muzikos ikonų pasaulyje. Šiai dienai ji pardavė daugiau nei 100mln. albumų kopijų visame pasaulyje, bei gavo beveik 400 įvairiausių apdovanojimų.
Žaidimas bus visiškai nemokamas, tačiau jame gali būti papildomų pasirinkimų, už kuriuos reikės susimokėti. Visai neseniai su šia kompanija sutartį pasirašė atlikėja Katy Perry, kurios vardo žaidimas pasirodys jau 2015 metų pabaigoje. Šiuo metu šios kompanijos sukurtas žaidimas su Kim Kardashian yra vienas populiariausių žaidimų pasaulyje.
Plačiau skaitykite šiame puslapyje.
Aštuoniasdešimt devintas "Piece Of Me" koncertas Las Vegase
Thank you for all of the sweet wishes! Had a little scare on stage tonight with my ankle but I’m ok! ❤️
— Britney Spears (@britneyspears) April 30, 2015
Singlo "Sometimes" jubiliejus
Lygiai prieš 16 metų buvo išleistas Britney Spears singlas "Sometimes". Prisiminkime šį smagų ir nuotaikingą vaizdo klipą!
2015 m. balandžio 29 d., trečiadienis
Ypatingas kvepalų "Fantasy" leidimas Brazilijoje
29 požymiai, kad Britney sugrįžo į muzikos ringą
"Since you’re reading this, chances are you’ve been yearning for a new era of die-hard Britney Spears fandom. Sure, you can hit up Las Vegas to watch her slay at the Piece of Me concerts, but nothing can top having a new Britney jam and music video right around the corner. Nothing. And so we’ve been paying close attention to Britney’s moves this past year, thirsty for any sign that Brit is staging a comeback. Finally, we were blessed with official word that the release of “Pretty Girls,” Brit’s new single with Iggy Azalea, is imminent. If all of it seems too good to be true, read on to reassure yourself that the Britney you know and love is back."
2015 m. balandžio 28 d., antradienis
"Pretty Girls" debiutas jau po 6 dienų!
Pameni, kai dienas likusias iki singlo "Pretty Girls" premjeros skaičiavo dešimtimis? Visa tai jau praeityje, iki singlo debiuto liko tik 6 DIENOS! Pasidalink šia žinia su visais!
Britney pasirodys "American Music Awards" metu?
Įdomus faktas yra tai, kad vakar Britney pradėjo sekti oficialų "American Music Awards" profilį Twitter paskyroje, o šiandien taip pat pradėjo sekti ir "Dick Clark productions" prezidentą. Ar gali tai reikšti, kad Britney pasirodys "American Music Awards" apdovanojimuose, kurie įvyks lapkričio 22 diena.
Taip pat noriu priminti, kad viena interviu, atlikėja Iggy pasakė, kad pabandys įkalbėti Britney dalyvauti visuose apdovanojimuose. Šiais metais "Piece Of Me" grafikas sudarytas labai palankiai, ir Britney gali sudalyvauti visuose apdovanojimuose: "Teen Choice Awards", kurie įvyks rugpjūčio 16 diena ir "Video Music Awards" rugžjūčio 30 diena.
Paskutinis kartas kuomet Britney lankėsi "AMA" buvo 2003 metais, kuomet ji atliko savo singlą "Me Against The Music".
Taip pat noriu priminti, kad viena interviu, atlikėja Iggy pasakė, kad pabandys įkalbėti Britney dalyvauti visuose apdovanojimuose. Šiais metais "Piece Of Me" grafikas sudarytas labai palankiai, ir Britney gali sudalyvauti visuose apdovanojimuose: "Teen Choice Awards", kurie įvyks rugpjūčio 16 diena ir "Video Music Awards" rugžjūčio 30 diena.
Paskutinis kartas kuomet Britney lankėsi "AMA" buvo 2003 metais, kuomet ji atliko savo singlą "Me Against The Music".
Britney ruošia didelę staigmeną "BMA" metu
"Tai bus kažkas tokio, ko dar nebuvo nei vienuose apdovanojimuose. Jeigu tiks pavyks viską padaryti, tai žmonės apie tai kalbės mėnesiais. Mes iki to ruošiamės, tačiau tik likus dienai iki apdovanojimų ceremonijos, kuomet bus paruoštos visos filmavimo kameros tiksliai žinosime ar sumanymas yra tinkamas televizijai. Abi merginos nori kažko nekasdienio, netikėto ir unikalaus. Jos labai tikisi, kad viskas pavyks kuo puikiausiai."
Belieka tik sulaukti ką šios žvaigždės ruošia, nes sveiku protu sunku įsivaizduoti, ką jos yra sumąsčiusios!
Britney pasidalino savo "USAToday" interviu
Gegužės 4d. - singlo "Pretty Girls" premjera
Gegužės 11d. - vaizdo klipo "Pretty girls" premjera
Gegužės 17d. - "Pretty Girls" pasirodymas "Billboard Music Awards" apdovanojimuose
Talked #PrettyGirls in the new @USAToday! @IGGYAZALEA and I give away details on our new song out next week! http://t.co/SOpqGjHkwB
— Britney Spears (@britneyspears) April 28, 2015
FHM: Seksualiausios pasaulio moterys
2014 №59 | 2013 №85 | 2012 №59 | 2011 №25 | 2010 №44 | 2009 №04 | 2008 №31 | 2007 №54 | 2005 №06 | 2004 №01 | 2003 №03 | 2002 №03 | 2001 №03 | 2000 №02 | 1999 №16
Nauja Britney žinutė
And our songbird is at it again! Cannot get enough of her hilarious renditions lol pic.twitter.com/qwGUd6jdKw
— Britney Spears (@britneyspears) April 27, 2015
Talked #PrettyGirls in the new @USAToday! @IGGYAZALEA and I give away details on our new song out next week! http://t.co/SOpqGjHkwB
— Britney Spears (@britneyspears) April 28, 2015
2015 m. balandžio 27 d., pirmadienis
Nauja Britney ir gerbėjo nuotrauka
Nauja Britney Spears ir gerbėjo nuotrauka daryta praeita savaite,kuomet su savo berniukais lankėsi riedlenčių parke.
Vaizdo klipas "Pretty Girls" pasirodys gegužės 11 diena!
The two initially connected last summer after Spears saw the Fancy video, which pays homage to 1995 comedy Clueless. With the Princess of Pop by her side, Iggy Azalea is making a second run at the song-of-summer throne.Almost a year after her ubiquitous Fancy with Charli XCX began its seven-week reign atop the Billboard Hot 100 — Azalea’s first in a string of female-fueled hits with Ariana Grande, Rita Ora, Jennifer Lopez and Jennifer Hudson — the Aussie rapper joins Britney Spears for the new single Pretty Girls, out May 4.“I had called my manager (Larry Rudolph) and had some ideas about doing a Valley girl-type video,” Spears says. “It was really kind of funny, because I had just watched Clueless on TV, and was like, ‘It would be so fun to do something like that.’ Then I saw Iggy’s video, and I thought, ‘Oh my God, to work with her would be heaven sent.’ “They began ping-ponging variations of the song, produced by The Invisible Men, between camps — at times featuring more of one artist than the other, before landing on a back-and-forth that played to each other’s strengths. Although the collaboration was finished last fall, Azalea didn’t meet the pop star in person until January, when she invited Spears to her house for lunch.“We just talked about a bunch of girl stuff. She’s a very down-to-earth girl and very, very sweet,” Spears says. “She introduced me to her dog, we had wonderful salad and it was just fun girl time.”They also brainstormed the concept for the Pretty Girls video, out May 11 and co-directed by Azalea and Cameron Duddy (Bruno Mars’ Gorilla).“What Britney made clear to me is that she really wanted to do a video where she got to dress up and play a character,” Azalea says. “That was really important to her.” She just wanted to “let loose and not necessarily feel like she’s playing Britney Spears.”They decided on a send-up of 1988 sci-fi comedy Earth Girls Are Easy,starring Geena Davis, who Azalea considers the “ultimate ’80s pin-up, hot, cool type of girl.”In the video, which shot in Los Angeles earlier this month, “I do a makeover for her and we go to a club,” Spears says. “The best part about it was just us coming together with the clothes and doing the ’80s haircuts. We were all about being characters, so it was kind of funny for us. We weren’t taking ourselves so seriously.”Does Spears also teach Azalea some of her iconic moves?“I didn’t dance! She wanted me to,” Azalea laughs. “It would be kind of obnoxious for me to direct a video and give myself a dance break. Like, ‘Here’s the video! And I gave myself a dance scene!’ “
Nauja Britney žinutė
So happy #PieceOfMe brought these two handsome gentlemen together! Congrats on your special day! 💍💖 https://t.co/drIVZfcobH
— Britney Spears (@britneyspears) April 27, 2015
2015 m. balandžio 26 d., sekmadienis
Willie Gomez dalinasi "Circus" turo prisiminimais
Me and Tiana in Moscow, Russia walking around the arena before doors are open... #CircusTour2009 #GreatMemories... http://t.co/Oei37OnSzM
— IG: WillieGomez (@WillieGomez) April 26, 2015
It all started with a dream... #CircusTour2009 #GreatMemories #SoYoungLOL #BritneySpears This is when we came to... http://t.co/DmH6NPaOmM
— IG: WillieGomez (@WillieGomez) April 26, 2015
That one time we received an MTV VMA with Brit and the tour family while on the road :) #CircusTour2009... http://t.co/LZ0dbMXdKx
— IG: WillieGomez (@WillieGomez) April 26, 2015
Waiting to go on stage for Everytime haha... A view of what happens before you see us on stage :) #CircusTour2009... http://t.co/1fa1zZw2n5
— IG: WillieGomez (@WillieGomez) April 26, 2015
Everytime... #CircusTour2009 #BritneySpears #GreatMemories http://t.co/J7mB22Yr1o
— IG: WillieGomez (@WillieGomez) April 26, 2015
Getting ready to go on for Freakshow... My view... #CircusTour2009 #GreatMemories #BritneySpears http://t.co/vJkAj2uXtl
— IG: WillieGomez (@WillieGomez) April 26, 2015
Singlo "Pretty Girls" premjeros datos
Laukti liko visai nedaug! Iki singlo "Pretty Girls" premjeros liko nepilnos 9 dienos! O jau gegužės 17 diena sulauksi Britney ir Iggy pasirodymo "Billboard Music Awards" apdovanojimuose.
Aštuoniasdešimt aštuntas "Piece Of Me" koncertas Las Vegase
Vakar, balandžio 25 diena įvyko dar vienas nuostabus "Piece Of Me" koncertas Planet Hollywood Axis arenoje. Koncertas buvo pilnai išpirktas. Britney kaip ir kas kartą visus stebino savo choreografiją ir legendiniais hitais. Nuotraukas ir video medžiagą rasite šiame puslapyje.
Charli XCX kalba apie mūsų Britney
Atlikėja Charli XCX visuomet rodė didelę meilę mūsų pop princesei. Naujausiame savo interviu atlikėja ir vėl paminėjo Britney ir kaip visada negailėjo jai gerų žodžių. Charli XCX taip pat užsiminė, kad ji labai pavydi Iggy Azalea, kad ji turi galimybę dirbti kartu su Britney:
"On her top three most iconic Britney Spears songs: “Great question! I love “Email My Heart” (because it’s) such a great concept for a song. And I love her reply when people asked what the song meant, she said something like (Britney impression) “cause like everyone has an email” and I thought: this girl is a genius. I think it’s a great song (especially) back when Britney had this soul voice. (Number 2 has to be) “Piece Of Me” because the production is so next level and the whole Melodyne (a pitch-correction software) concept of her vocals is very clever (and) the lyrics are amazing. (I think) “Work Bitch” was an underrated record, the video is incredible, you know when she’s on the podium with the shark.
I know that Iggy (Azalea) is working with Britney and I’m so jealous. Who knows? I would love to write songs with her!"
"Till The World Ends" remiksas
Lygiai prieš 4 metus pasirodė visiškai netikėtas singlo "Till The World Ends" remiksas. Dainoje skamba Britney Spears, Kesha ir Nicki Minaj balsai užvaldė pasaulį, o singlas pasiekė net #3 vietą oficialiame Billboard Hot 100 tope.
Nauja Britney žinutė
For everyone headed to @PHVegas for #PieceOfMe tonight… get ready for this. See you soon! pic.twitter.com/Mx9PAqiyBa
— Britney Spears (@britneyspears) April 25, 2015
2015 m. balandžio 25 d., šeštadienis
"Pretty Girls" pasirodymo "BMA" apdovanojimuose detalės
What "epic" moment are @BritneySpears & @IGGYAZALEA plotting for their joint Billboards live appearance? details Monday @VegasDeLuxe
— Robin Leach (@Robin_Leach) April 25, 2015
Medios reakcija į Britney dainą "Tom's Diner"
Po vakarykščio netikėto dainos "Tom's Diner" nutekėjimo į internetą, visas pasaulis tik ir kalba apie šią dainą. Žemiau įvairių muzikos kritikų įvertinimai:
“The reenergized cover of the Eighties classic makes the song even more sonically dynamic, with Spears evoking Vega’s subdued, almost deadpan, delivery.”- Brittany Spanos, Rolling Stone
Many may be quick to doubt the “Toxic” star’s ability to make the classic hit her own, or simply just tolerable, but Spears is literally in the zone here. When she has the right song, with the right production backing her (major h/t to the legendary Moroder), it’s almost as though she can take back the pop throne if she really wanted to. Spears does the original justice and actually makes me curious as to what she might be working on in the future. Imagine that? Looking forward to a Britney Spears album in 2015.”- Michelle Geslani, Consequence of Sound
“Britney’s take on the track is an ideal musical meeting point between the two icons: While “Tom’s Diner” certainly doesn’t require much of a vocal range on her part, Britney’s delicious speak-singing voice still makes each and every syllable feel utterly, undeniably Britney — even when heavily vocoded and layered to a “Piece Of Me”-like degree — as she slowly moves her eyes across the diner in a daze. (“Instead, I pour the milk…”)” - Bradley Stern, Muumuse
“Much to the delight of music bloggers and electro fans everywhere, a wonky take on Suzanne Vega’s hypnotic 1987 hit “Tom’s Diner,” performed by the Princess of Pop herself, was leaked earlier today ahead of its June release on Giorgio Moroder’s first album in 30 years, Déjà Vu. No longer a disaffected anthem of dazed people-watching, Moroder’s version of “Tom’s Diner” thrusts you right into the action with the heavy use of a vocoder and a steady four-on-the-floor sweep. Amplifying Britney’s breathy, pseudo-robo swoon, Moroder has somehow made the classic doo-doo-doo-doo hook even more addictive — a vision of modern pop that joins together audio technology’s past, present and future and proves that the legendary Eurodisco producer hasn’t lost his touch. (Not to mention the fact that America’s Comeback Queen is also back in full force.)” - Sandra Song, Papermag
“After snippets of the much-anticipated collaboration off Moroder’s upcoming LP Déjà Vu (June 12) surfaced on the Internet earlier this morning, the song has now leaked in full. The track finds Spears putting her breathy spin on Suzanne Vega’s single “Tom’s Diner.” It’s aural vocoder porn and Moroder’s production is the Midas touch that solidifies this remake as a frontrunner for the song of the summer in gold. It’s pure, slinky bliss with no “It’s Britney, bitch” announcement in earshot. (Thank god. That was getting tiresome.) Now, if you don’t mind, we’re going play this on loop and twirl into the shimmering Friday night.” –Hayden Manders, Nylon Mag
“After months of anticipation, Britney Spears’ collaboration with legendary Italian producer and DJ Giorgio Moroder has leaked. The track is a cover of Suzanne Vega’s 1987 hit ‘Tom’s Diner’ – one of those songs you don’t realise you know until someone puts it on at a party. The downbeat eighties track is given a modern Moroder makeover, the minimal beats replaced by driving synths, Britney’s ice cold vocals taking the place of Vega’s cool drawl. At one point, Moroder takes over vocal duties as, according to BreatheHeavy.com, Spears never finished recording her parts. Nonetheless, the track is superbly reimagined by Moroder, and Spears is on top form too, her detached vocals fitting the dark lyrical themes of the song perfectly. Moroder and Spears have produced a killer synth-pop cover of Vega’s hit that will sit nicely alongside the producer’s Kylie collaboration, ‘Right Here, Right Now‘, on his upcoming album. Until its release, however, we can revel in the success of ‘Tom’s Diner’, proof that the veteran DJ can still pull off an excellent dance track and also proof that Britney is still very much in the game.” -Alex Norris, EQView
“I never thought I’d be posting about Britney Spears (although she did have a couple jams like “Toxic”), but then she goes and works with the amazing Giorgio Moroder to do a cover of 90’s classic “Tom’s Diner” by Suzanne Vega, and she nails it! Shows you what a great producer can do. Love the vocal effect they use on her and the catchy guitar riffs. We even get the maestro Giorgio himself doing some vocals of his own, albeit hidden behind plenty of effects.” -Ray Milian, OffTheRadarMusic
“Oh wow. We’re so sorry we ever doubted this. This is actually incredible and the perfect sound, direction, and vibe for Britney.
Where do we even begin? The fact that we’re getting Britney’s lower register in full and unfiltered (for the most part) for the first time in forever is a treat all in it’s own. That ‘du-du-duda’ hook? Totally hypnotic. Giorgio really outdid himself with this production. Opting out of his signature disco sound, Moroder goes full on EDM and really brings ‘Tom’s Diner’ into 2015 with such a contemporary sound. Strings, guitars, wubs – it’s all here and it’s all fucking fantastic.” –Richard Baxter, Popology
“Britney’s vocals on “Tom’s Diner” perfectly replicate Vega’s original moody recording. She sings under a layer of vocal distortion, a unique addition that adds a further sense of distance and mystery to the track. Spears delivers the track with a heavily accented vocal, emphasizes each word and adding a sense of power and conviction to her attack. There are no huge vocal acrobatics (nor were there in the original), but Britney’s vocal works well with the track. Spears has proved in the past that she is effectively able to emote without belting across a track, and her stripped back performance proves just that. In a way, Britney Spears’s take on “Tom’s Diner” feels even more remote and removed than Vega’s original. The song is almost a chance for the pop princess to call out from behind that glass wall and reveal that all doesn’t glisten behind her own panel.” -Michael Nied, FDRMX
“Hands down, Britney sounds amazing. Between the uptempo beat and her unique voice, this song is everything. We are getting a futuristic robotic feel and we love it!” -Brittany King, Hollywood Life
“Her cover of Suzanne Vega’s iconic song “Tom’s Diner” leaked today, and now we’re all collectively dancing to the late-80s hit. Brit’s sultry vocals and music producer Giorgio Moroder’s (who Rolling Stone describes as the “Italian disco pioneer”) retro electric beats transform this song into the most perfect thing we’ve heard in a long, long time. And it has us digging around for our old glitter platform shoes and metallic crop tops.” -Gina Vaynshteyn, HelloGiggles
“The decision for Britney Spears to cover “Tom’s Diner” is pure genius. Let’s be honest. It fits perfectly within her vocal wheelhouse. No one can sing-speak like the 33-year-old entertainer.Her rendition is hypnotically haunting and robotic. In essence, quintessential Brit.” -Donovan, Homorazzi
“Rejoice, Britney stans of the world, as Britney Spears’ song on disco king Giorgio Moroder’s new album has just hit the internet. The track is a remake of the Suzanne Vega hit “Tom’s Diner,” and it is filled with all kinds of Britney goodness.
“I open up the paper / There’s a story of an actor,” Britney breathes over an inciting, electronic beat. “Who had died while he was drinking / It was no one I had heard of.” Mysteriousney to the max.” -Michelle McGahan, Popcrush
“This is not a drill: Britney Spears’ “Tom’s Diner” cover just hit the Web and she definitely put her own unique spin on the Suzanne Vega classic. Trust me: Your Friday afternoon just got a whole lot better. I won’t lie… I’m kind of into it.” -Alex Kritselis, Bustle
“No matter the subliminal message, Britney has officially become a disco diva provocateur as she jumps on this glitzy groove. Yeah it may be overly autotuned but Brit’s signature enunciation is what makes this production an original work of art. She’s completely redefined what this song used to be.” –Matthew Carenza, The Magic Critique
Geriausios dainos, taip ir netapusios singlais
Tinklapis "Billboard" paskelbė Top-15 dainų, kurios deja taip ir netapo atlikėjų asmeniniais singlais. Sąraše taip pat yra ir iš septintojo Britney albumo "Femme Fatale" daina "(Drop Dead) Beautiful".
Aštuoniasdešimt septintas "Piece Of Me" koncertas Las Vegase
Giorgio Moroder interviu apie darbą kartu su Britney
Naujausiame interviu su Yahoo Giorgio Moroder papasakojo apie savo darbą kartu su Britney ties jų bendra daina "Tom's Diner". Jau girdėjome kokia tai puiki daina ir koki darbą jie abu įdėjo šios dainos tobulinimui.
2015 m. balandžio 24 d., penktadienis
"Pretty Girls" siužetas paremtas filmu "Earth Girls are Easy"
Gerbėjai padarė išvadas, kad būsimas Britney vaizdo klipas singlui "Pretty Girls" siužetas paremtas Geena Davis filmu "Earth Girls are Easy". Paskaitykite!
"The film begins with three furry aliens–the blue Mac (Goldblum), the yellow Zeebo (Wayans), and the red Wiploc (Carrey)–traveling in a space ship. It’s been a long time since they’ve had female companionship, and they receive a broadcast showing human females. They are titillated by these “hairless”, shapely creatures and discover that the broadcast came from Earth, so they set off toward Earth and Southern California.
Valley Girl Valerie Gail (Davis) is a manicurist at the “Curl Up & Dye” hair salon. When she feels her cold fiancé Dr. Ted Gallagher (Charles Rocket) is slipping away, she decides to seduce him with a new look; by stripping off her clothes to her white corset, suspenders, underwear, stockings and pink high heels. Instead, she catches him cheating on her with his nurse. She kicks him out, smashes his stuff and refuses to see him again. The next day, she is sunbathing when the aliens’ spaceship crash lands in her pool. She befriends them and calls her friend Woody (Michael McKean) to come and drain the pool so the aliens can work on their ship and get it flying again. Meanwhile, she brings them into her home; and, though there is a language barrier at first, the aliens prove to be quick learners and absorb American pop culture and language by watching television.
Wanting them to blend in to their surroundings, Valerie takes them to her friend Candy Pink (Brown, co-writer and co-producer) at the salon. After shaving off the aliens’ fur, they turn out to be human looking and attractive. They all go out; and party at Los Angeles nightclubs where their looks, athleticism and incredibly long tongues soon make them the envy of every female in the place. Valerie and Mac begin to fall for each other and go back to Valerie’s place. There, they find out that they are anatomically compatible and make love.
The next day the pool is drained, and Zeebo and Wiploc are working on their ship when Woody stops by and offers to take them to the beach. They agree; and, after accidentally holding up a convenience store, Zeebo and Wiploc are soon driving down the L.A. Freeway the wrong way, in reverse, with the police in pursuit.
Mac finds out his crew mates are in trouble and goes to help and gets arrested along with Woody in a case of mistaken identity. Valerie smashes the police vehicle to get arrested, too, so she can go with Mac.
The police pursuit ends in a crash, and Zeebo and Wiploc are taken to the Emergency Room at the local hospital. There, they are examined by Ted, who discovers they have two hearts. While he is envisioning achieving fame and fortune from his discovery, Valerie and Mac elude the police and enter the E.R. disguised as a doctor and a nurse; they manage to convince Ted he is delusional. They then escape back to Valerie’s place where work continues on the space ship. Meanwhile, Valerie and Ted reconcile and plan to go to Las Vegas to get married right away.
Mac is heartbroken and prepares the ship for take-off. Valerie comes out to say good-bye, followed by Ted, who discovers the ship. While she is struggling to keep him from calling the authorities, Valerie comes to the realization that it’s really Mac she loves. She gets in the ship, and off they head into the sky."
Singlo "Tom's Diner" ištraukos
Internete pasirodė būsimo Britney singlo "Tom's diner" įrašyto kartu su Giorgio Moroder ištraukos. Pasirodė keletas nuorodų, vėliau jos buvo panaikintos. Nurodome keletas nuorodų, kur dar įmanoma pasiklausyti.
2015 m. balandžio 23 d., ketvirtadienis
Britney norėjo šokti kartu su Iggy Azalea
"I didn’t dance! She wanted me to. Since I was co-directing the video, the way I explained it was, it would be kind of obnoxious for me to direct a video and give myself a dance break as well. Like, “Here’s the video! And I gave myself a dance scene!” I don’t know if it necessarily fits my identity, but I think Britney’s identity is really embedded in being a dancer, and that’s something she really wanted to do as well. So there’s a lot of dancing in the video, but I wouldn’t say its necessarily centered around that.
It’s a little bit more complicated than that. You know me, I like having a narrative. So if it was just like, “‘80s!” that would be kind of boring for me. But what Britney made clear to me is that she really wanted to do a video where she got to dress up and play a character. That was really important to her and she liked a lot of the things I’ve done that were inspired by movies and stuff.
I think she’s just like the ultimate ’80s pin-up hot, cool type of girl, so I told Britney to check her out, and she was like, “Yes, I love Geena Davis!” So we based our characters on a lot of stuff like that, like Geena Davis and characters she played in a lot of her movies at that time period. But there’s definitely a narrative. I don’t want to give it away, but it’s quirky and funny."
Aštuoniasdešimt šeštas "Piece Of Me" koncertas Las Vegase
"The Intimate" kolekcijos reklaminė kampanija Australijoje
Šiandien internete pasirodė nauja "The Intimate" kolekcijos reklaminė kampanija skirta Australijos rinkai. Tai visiškai naujas kampanijos šūkis!
"Intimate Britney Spears Collection is an INCLUSIVE brand NOT a discriminatory one. Designed for EVERY woman."
"Intimate Britney Spears Collection is an INCLUSIVE brand NOT a discriminatory one. Designed for EVERY woman."
Intimate Britney Spears Collection - Australian Launch Coming Soon to Melbourne in 2015 #IntimateBritneyAustralia pic.twitter.com/sSbtW3VdfF
— Matt Lei (@MattLeiAU) April 23, 2015
So, you want to model/dance for Britney?? Then click here: http://t.co/1EYdz0hsgO #IntimateBritneyAustralia pic.twitter.com/6no19KxuXr
— Matt Lei (@MattLeiAU) April 22, 2015
Singlo "S&M" pasiekimas Billboard Hot 100
Lygiai prieš 4 metus bendras Britney Spears ir Rihanna remiksas singlui "S&M" pasiekė #1 vietą oficialiame Billboard Hot 100 tope. Tai kartu tapo ir penktuoju Britney singlu kuris užkopė iki pirmosios šio topo vietos. Valio!
Britney pasiekė milijoną sekėjų Spotify erdvėje
Paskutiniu metu Britney vis daugiau ir daugiau sekėjų įgauna įvairiuose socialiniuose tinklapiuose. Visai neseniai jos Spotify profilis perkopė 1 mln. sekėjų ribą. Sveikinimai Britney!
2015 m. balandžio 22 d., trečiadienis
OFICIALU: Britney kartu su Iggy Azalea pasirodys "BMA 2015"
Pagaliau po daugybės įvairiausių gandų ir spėliojimų, pasirodė oficiali informacija, kad Britney kartu su Iggy Azalea pasirodys "Billboard Music Awards 2015" apdovanojimuose. Renginio metu abi atlikėjos pristatys savo bendrą singlą "Pretty Girls".
Time to put the rumors to bed & take #PrettyGirls to the stage! CAN’T WAIT to perform w/ @IGGYAZALEA at the #BBMAs! pic.twitter.com/NzWJo0Yu44
— Britney Spears (@britneyspears) April 22, 2015
IT’S CONFIRMED! @britneyspears & @IGGYAZALEA to make TV debut of #PrettyGirlsOnBBMAs, May 17💅 http://t.co/Klz97bbxUw
— BillboardMusicAwards (@OfficialBBMAs) April 22, 2015
2015 m. balandžio 21 d., antradienis
"The Intimate" kolekcijos vaizdinė medžiaga
Video medžiaga apie tai, kaip Britney Spears "The Intimate" kolekcija iš idėjos virsta pilnaverte kolekcija parduotuvėse! #TheIntimate
Ar gerai žinai visus Britney Spears vaizdo klipus?
TESTAS: Can You Guess The Britney Video From The Screengrab? Ar gerai žinai visus Britney Spears vaizdo klipus? Startuojame!
Nauja Britney žinutė
Look what I got over the weekend! Thank you @BestOfLasVegas, my dedicated team & POM crew, @phvegas, and all of YOU! pic.twitter.com/kq6Pj3maYj
— Britney Spears (@britneyspears) April 20, 2015
2015 m. balandžio 20 d., pirmadienis
Britney pasiekimai "Vine" erdvėje
Britney Spears profilis socialiniame tinklapyje "Vine" jau turi daugiau nei 1 mln. sekėjų! Sveikinimai Britney!
"Pretty Girls"nuotraukos JAV žurnaluose
Britney Spears ir Iggy Azalea nuotraukos iš vaizdo klipo "Pretty girls" filmavimo pateko į 4-is JAV žurnalus: "People", "US Weekly", "inTouch" ir "Star". #PrettyGirls
Britney kartu su savo berniukais
Dar daugiau Britney Spears ir jos berniukų nuotraukų iš vakarykščių linksmybių riedlenčių parke Kalifornijoje.
"The Intimate" Australija
Twitter vis daugiau pasirodo pranešimų apie tai, kad galimai Britney ruošiasi pristatyti savo pavasario/vasaros "The Intimate" kolekciją. Kolkas nėra jokios oficialios informacijos, tačiau oficialus "The Intimate" kolekcijos ambasadorius Matt Lei rašo labai intriguojančias žinutes:
Just your typical night..wheeling and dealing discussing venues and pvt jets ahem!!! #IntimateBritneyAustralia
— Matt Lei (@MattLeiAU) April 20, 2015
Melbourne wont know what hit it!!!! #IntimateBritneyAustralia "now watch me!!" @Melbourne @kiis1011 @abcnewsMelb pic.twitter.com/WTPqawzQQX
— Matt Lei (@MattLeiAU) April 20, 2015
Britney pademonstravo "Pretty Girls" choreografiją
Šeštadieni vykusio "Piece Of Me" koncerto metu Britney Spears visai netikėtai parodė busimo vaizdo klipo "Pretty Girls" choreografiją. Ja gerbėjams pavyko užfiksuoti filmuojant jos pasirodymą. #PrettyGirls
Meet & Greet istorija
"I was waiting in line to meet Britney and I was nervous, I was thinking of what to say while I was waiting. Then finally it was my turn. I saw her standing and the first thing I thought was how beautiful she is. She looks so good in real life, you will not believe how THIN she is and how small she is and how her eyes sparkle. I said to her “Hi Britney” and gave her my hand and told her my name. She said “Nice to meet you”. I then said to her “I am from Holland and came all the way to see you”. She said to me “Oh that’s great”. I also said to her “I saw your show last night and you did an amazing job. She replied “Thank you so much I am so glad you enjoyed it”. Then I showed her my tattoo and she said “WOW this is so great! I like it a LOT!” and she kept looking at it. So I suggested we take a picture and she said “Oh yeah of course” so we took the picture then her manager Larry said “Let me see your tattoo”. I showed Larry then Britney said “Come here I want to take a picture with your tattoo using the same face as the tattoo!” Then she started laughing and we took the picture. I asked if I could have both pictures and they said YES of course! Then I said my goodbye and have a good show. Britney responded “Thank you sweety bye”! It was the best time of my life!"
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