2017 m. birželio 30 d., penktadienis

Britney parodė pasauliui, kad moka dainuoti!

Dešimtasis Britney "Live in Concert" koncertas Singapūre

Šiandien, birželio 30 diena įvyko pirmasis Britney koncertas Singapūre. Koncertas buvo pilnai išpirktas, nors į jį bilietai buvo vieni brangiausi palyginus su kitomis šalimis. Britney kaip visuomet atrodė puikiai nusiteikusi ir padovanojo tikra reginį. Taip pat šou metu ji pasveikino savo asmens sargybinį su gimtadieniu ir sudainavo gimtadienio dainą. Liepos 3 diena laukia finalinis šio trumpo koncertinio turo pasirodymas. Daugiau nuotraukų ir filmuotos medžiagos rasite šiame puslapyje.

Instagram: Britney pasidalino nauju vaizdo įrašu

A post shared by Britney Spears (@britneyspears) on

Instagram: Britney pasidalino nauju vaizdo įrašu

Naujos Britney "Oops!…I did it again" eros nuotraukos

2017 m. birželio 28 d., trečiadienis

Reklaminė kvepalų "VIP Private Show" nuotrauka

Izraelis laukia Britney Spears koncerto!

Britney Jungtinės Karalystės leidinyje "Metro UK"

18-asis koncertinio turo "...Baby One More Time" gimtadienis

Britney kartu su naujais kvepalais "VIP Private Show"

Vaizdo įrašai iš Britney koncerto Honkonge

2017 m. birželio 27 d., antradienis

2017 m. birželio 26 d., pirmadienis

Twitter: Britney pasidalino nauju vaizdo įrašu

Britney interviu Izraelio leidiniui "Ynet"

Britney davė naują intervių Izraelio leidiniui "Ynet". Interviu metu atlikėja papasakojo apie savo karjerą ir pirmąją kelionę į Izraelį:

Britney Jean Spears who's on her way to Israel and to the age of 36, is an anomaly when it comes to the international concerts coming to Israel this year. Somewhere between young boppers (Justin Bieber, 'Lil Dicky, Lali Espósito) and rock legends such as Aerosmith, Tom Jones, and Rod Stewert, is the undisputable queen of pop, who ruled the late 90's and early 2000's. A musical icon that's been crushed between the X generation and the millennials, the biggest pop star Since Madonna and 'till Beyonce.
Even if she was once compared to Christina Aguilera, the differences were always clear: Aguilera had the abilities, the genie, and the vocal range, but the one who was set to take the pop royalty throne and will forever mark the transformation from guitars and ballads to looks, choreography, dance, and production is Britney. Bitch.

Britney atsakymas apie konkurenciją muzikoje!

Izraelyje atidarytas naujas paplūdimys - "It's Britney Beach!"

Britney kartu su Sam Osakos prekybos centre

2017 m. birželio 25 d., sekmadienis

Izraelis pilnu tempu ruošiasi Britney koncertui

Britney interviu Singapūro laikraščiui "Straits Times"

Dar vienas įdomus Britney interviu Singapūro laikraščiui "Straits Times":

Pop star Britney Spears has two sons who are now around the same age she was when she started out in show business in The Mickey Mouse Club. 
So, will her kids - Sean, 11, and Jayden James Federline, 10 - be following in their mother's footsteps? Not a chance, the 35-year-old singer, who is performing at the Singapore Indoor Stadium on June 30, tells The Straits Times.
"They've grown up with me being in the business," she says, sounding chirpy over the telephone from Thailand, one of the stops on her current Asian tour. 
"They basically look at it like, 'Oh, mummy does it, so it's not that fascinating.' So I think they'll go in the opposite direction, believe it or not. What mum does isn't cool." While the upcoming show is her first major concert in Singapore, it will not be the first time she has performed here. 
She did a showcase performance for music industry executives here in 1998, a year before her debut album ...Baby One More Time became a worldwide hit.

2017 m. birželio 24 d., šeštadienis

Naujas Britney interviu Izraelio laikraščiui "Yediot Ahronot"

Kai tik atsiranda laisva akimirka Britney su malonumu dalina intervių. Naujausiame interviu su populiariu Izraelio laikraščiu "Yediot Ahronot", atlikėja ne tik pasidalino mintimis apie savo vaikus ir karjerą, tačiau atskleidė žymiai daugiau asmeninio gyvenimo detalių.

What's it like being Britney Spears?
“I’m sometimes in denial to the fact that I'm a celebrity. Deep inside I wish to be very private, which I believe I am. All this fame is way too much for me, as it’s really hard to grasp its magnitude. When you’re young and in the beginning of your career it’s understandable that you've just stepped into this world. But when you grow up and you look at this industry you're like 'huh? that's crazy.' I have these moments where I just want to dress up like a normal person and walk in the street. It goes through my mind quite a lot."

If you could give 16-year-old Britney Spears one advice, what would it be?
“Very simple: Enjoy the moment. That’s something that’s really hard to understand when you’ve started young in this business.”

And that’s something you didn’t exactly do.
“Not really. I think I had fun when I was younger. I was a pretty normal girl, a tomboy. But my 20s were awful. My 30s are much better for me. I've learned to get to know myself better”.

What did you do wrong in your 20s?
“I think I had to give myself more breaks through my career and take responsibility for my mental health. There were many decisions that were made for me and that I didn’t make myself.”

You were “Overprotected...”
“Something like that. My life was controlled by too many people and that doesn’t really let you be yourself. In that situation, when your not in control, you become less excited, and there’s less passion when it comes to music. I wrote back then, that I was lost and didn’t know what to do with myself. I was trying to please everyone around me because that who I am deep inside. There are moments where I look back and think: 'What the hell was I thinking?'"

Britney ant Izraelio žurnalo "7 Nights" viršelio

Aštuntasis Britney "Live in Concert" koncertas Bankoke

Šiandien, birželio 24 diena įvyko antrasis Britney koncertas Tailando sostinėje Bankoke. Antras vakaras, antra pilnai išpirkta arena gerbėjų. Koncertas praėjo lydimas žiūrovų dainavimu ir milijonais šviesų. Daugiau nuotraukų ir filmuotos medžiagos rasite šiame puslapyje.

Profesionalios pirmojo Britney koncerto Bankoke nuotraukos

Britney susitiko su savo gerbėjais Bankoke

2017 m. birželio 23 d., penktadienis

Twitter: Britney pasidalino nauju vaizdo įrašu

Naujas Britney interviu Singapūro radijo stočiai "Kiss 92 FM"

Septintasis Britney "Live in Concert" koncertas Bankoke

Šiandien, birželio 23 diena įvyko pirmasis Britney koncertas Tailando sostinėje Bankoke (koncertas pilnai išpirktas). Koncerto metu atlikdama "I'm Slave 4 U" atlikėja pademonstravo naują sceninį kostiumą. Sekantis koncertas įvyks rytoj. Daugiau nuotraukų ir filmuotos medžiagos rasite šiame puslapyje.

Pirmosios akimirkos iš Britney koncerto Bankoke

Susitikimas kartu su Britney Bankoke

Bankokas tapo pirmuoju miestu, kuriame įvyko M&G kartu su Britney Spears. Dar gerokai prieš koncertą buvo vykdomas didžiulis konkursas, kurio metu buvo išrinkti keli laimingieji.

Twitter: Britney pasidalino nauju vaizdo įrašu

Britney kviečia visus į koncertą Tel Avive

2017 m. birželio 21 d., trečiadienis

Britney interviu Singapūro laikraščiui "The Newspaper"

Britney davė naują intervių Singapūro leidiniui "The Newspaper", kuriame papasakojo apie berniukus bei muzikinę ateitį:

Britney Spears has a pair of extremely protective bodyguards - and she is proud of them.
They are her sons, Sean Preston Federline, 12, and Jayden James Federline, 11, who have taken it upon themselves to be her protector. "When I was younger, I was more protective of them. But now, I think they're more protective of me. "When we go out to restaurants and fans approach me, they will keep a lookout to make sure nobody messes with their mama," said Spears, laughing, adding that the boys are "almost as tall as me now".

Instagram: Britney pasidalino nauju vaizdo įrašu

A post shared by Britney Spears (@britneyspears) on

Birželio 21d. - Britney atvyko į Bankoką