2014 m. lapkričio 29 d., šeštadienis
VEVO kalba apie karštus Britney šokių judesius
VEVO savo naujausiame video paskelbė moterys, kurios yra ne tik puikios atlikėjos, bet dar ir šokėjos. Tarp jų žinoma paminėta ir Britney Spears. Video medžiagoje kalbama apie jau legendiniais tapusiais dainos "I'm Slave 4 U" šokio judesius. Apie Britney kalbama nuo 1:18 min.
2014 m. lapkričio 28 d., penktadienis
Albumo "Circus" gimtadienis
2008 metais lapkričio 28 diena buvo išleistas Britney albumas "Circus". Šis albumas mums padovanojo daugybę puikų dainų, tarp jų singlus "Circus", "Womanizer", "If You Seek Amy" ir "Radar". Albumo parduota daugiau nei 2 mln. kopijų visame pasaulyje. #Circus
Nauja Britney žinutė
Happy Black Friday! Lots of stuff happening in the Britney store. LOVE the new xmas ornament! http://t.co/JuYdEKx8IT pic.twitter.com/1ZVx4ZdDH8
— Britney Spears (@britneyspears) November 28, 2014
Nauja Britney žinutė
So much to be thankful for today... Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! Now let's eat ;) 🍴
— Britney Spears (@britneyspears) November 27, 2014
Nauja Britney žinutė
Making a difference is fun! ❤ 100% of proceeds from these apps go to @RED to fight AIDS #AppsforRED only @Appstore http://t.co/BVopDwukGx
— Britney Spears (@britneyspears) November 25, 2014
"Work Bitch" pasirodymas Las Vegase
Talentingas Britney gerbėjas BBProductions sukūrė dar viena nuostabų video pagal dainą "Work Bitch", kuriame parodytos repeticijų akimirkos, vaizdo klipo filmavimo užkulisiai, ir kaip šis pasirodymas keitėsi atliekant jį Las Vegase.
Labiausiai socialiniuose tinkluose dominuojančios garsenybės
2014 m. lapkričio 24 d., pirmadienis
Mes iškeliaujame atostogauti!
2014 m. lapkričio 23 d., sekmadienis
Britney kartu su Giorgio Moroder ruošia ypatingą muziką
- muzika tiesiog nereali, iš tikrųjų labai "kieta". Tarp kitų albumo dainų išskyrus Britney, galima dar paminėti duetą su Sia.
- muzikinis skambesys yra visiškai naujas ankstesnei Britney muzikai, tai tikrai galinga šokių daina. Tai lyg būtų grupės Duft Punk ir Donne Summer mišinys.
- tai ganėtinai netikėta, palyginus ją ankščiau Britney įrašinėjo. Skambesys iš tikro yra visiškai naujas ir muzika yra tikrai neįtikėtina.
- dainos premjeros 2014 metais nebus. Buvo suplanuota išleisti gruodžio mėnesi, kad pateikti tikrą siurprizą, tačiau dabar nuspręsta, kad daina bus išleista 2015 metų sausio/vasario mėnesi.
- nepaisant to, kad pasirodė gandai apie Britney ir Kylie Minogue duetą, tačiau kolkas neturime jokios oficialios informacijos.
Dar vienas įdomus gandas:
- gruodžio mėnesio pabaigoje "iTunes" įvyks naujo singlo pristatymas, bei muzikinio vaizdo klipo debiutas. Dainos pavadinimas yra visiška paslaptis.
- anot gandų, yra ruošiamas bendras pasirodymas su Giorgio Moroder "Britney: Piece Of Me" šou metu, kuris įvyks gruodžio 31 diena. Pasirodymas taip pat bus įkeltas į VEVO kanalą.
Kuri Britney daina yra tavo teminė daina?
2014 m. lapkričio 22 d., šeštadienis
Gandai apie būsimą Britney dainą Giorgio Moroder albume
Nauja Britney žinutė
You guys and your #MeanTweets... 😏 Thanks for the laughs @jimmykimmel! http://t.co/5MEbYSUncH
— Britney Spears (@britneyspears) November 21, 2014
2014 m. lapkričio 21 d., penktadienis
5-osios "Piece Of Me" koncertų dalies pajamos
Top-20 koncertinių turų Šiaurės Amerikoje
Puslapis "Pollstar" paskelbė Top-20 koncertinių turų sąrašą remdamiesi vidutiniu koncerto uždarbiu viename mieste, bei kartu yra parodoma vidutinė koncerto kaina. #5 vietoje atsidūrė Britney su koncertiniu "Piece Of Me" turu.
1. (1) One Direction; $6,029,257; $85.25.
2. (2) Paul McCartney; $3,049,271; $133.03.
3. (3) Katy Perry; $1,716,731; $101.59.
4. (4) Luke Bryan; $1,526,069; $53.03.
5. (New) Britney Spears; $1,423,694; $148.82.
6. (6) Rod Stewart/Santana; $1,204,003; $102.80.
7. (7) Marc Anthony; $1,170,987; $104.43.
8. (8) Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers; $992,317; $91.17.
9. (9) Zac Brown Band; $936,847; $52.38.
10. (11) Motley Crue; $803,839; $54.52.
11. (12) Linkin Park/Thirty Seconds To Mars; $774,225; $53.58.
12. (10) Jason Aldean; $759,527; $41.09.
13. (13) Blake Shelton; $742,548; $44.96.
14. (15) Alejandro Fernandez; $664,984; $78.17.
15. (14) Eric Church; $656,010; $50.01.
16. (16) The Black Keys; $599,091; $61.29.
17. (17) Marco Antonio Solis; $555,621; $93.30.
18. (18) Miranda Lambert; $528,946; $34.25.
19. (19) Brad Paisley; $505,352; $35.40.
20. (New) James Taylor; $503,900; $76.63.
Iggy Azalea patvirtino, kad dirbo su Britney
@fcknjaaay i did and it was amazing.
— IGGY AZALEA (@IGGYAZALEA) November 21, 2014
@MEGENTRIPODI can't say anymore info about it.
— IGGY AZALEA (@IGGYAZALEA) November 21, 2014
2014 m. lapkričio 20 d., ketvirtadienis
Nauja Britney žinutė
Just filming somethin' fun for @JimmyKimmelLive 😊 Watch tonight, 11:35 ET! pic.twitter.com/if4huW04cT
— Britney Spears (@britneyspears) November 20, 2014
Billboard prisiminimai: Britney koncertuoja Rockefeller centre
Ak tie prisiminimai! 1999 metais Britney Spears koncertavo Rockefeller centre pagrindinės Niujorko eglės įžiebimo ceremonijoje, atliko dainą "Silent Night".
"Allow old-school Britney Spears to get back on your radar.
The holiday kickoff is just a week away (we see you, Thanksgiving), so for this week's Throwback Thursday we're getting into the spirit and throwing things back 15 years, to the 1999 Rockefeller Center Tree Lighting Ceremony, with performances by a just-shy-of-her-18th-birthday Ms. Spears.
Spears, donning all white, took to the stage (amid snow and freezing temperatures) to put her signature sultry spin on one of the least sexy songs of all time, "Silent Night." Close your eyes and picture Spears singing the Christmas classic. Know that whatever you're picturing, that's exactly how it played out. Come for the "all is br-ah-ee-ght" runs, stay for the beautiful recovery after a couple of near-lyric misses. It's holiday Britney, bitch.
Sadly, this version was never officially released, so it's been unable to make its way onto your holiday playlist -- until now.
Having a "Gimme more" moment? Spears also had a quick costume change and performed her then-recent ballad "From the Bottom of My Broken Heart." You know she didn't stay in holy white for that jam -- she switched things up to her signature pink and also threw on some platform shoes. Happy 1999, everyone!"
"Allow old-school Britney Spears to get back on your radar.
The holiday kickoff is just a week away (we see you, Thanksgiving), so for this week's Throwback Thursday we're getting into the spirit and throwing things back 15 years, to the 1999 Rockefeller Center Tree Lighting Ceremony, with performances by a just-shy-of-her-18th-birthday Ms. Spears.
Spears, donning all white, took to the stage (amid snow and freezing temperatures) to put her signature sultry spin on one of the least sexy songs of all time, "Silent Night." Close your eyes and picture Spears singing the Christmas classic. Know that whatever you're picturing, that's exactly how it played out. Come for the "all is br-ah-ee-ght" runs, stay for the beautiful recovery after a couple of near-lyric misses. It's holiday Britney, bitch.
Sadly, this version was never officially released, so it's been unable to make its way onto your holiday playlist -- until now.
Having a "Gimme more" moment? Spears also had a quick costume change and performed her then-recent ballad "From the Bottom of My Broken Heart." You know she didn't stay in holy white for that jam -- she switched things up to her signature pink and also threw on some platform shoes. Happy 1999, everyone!"
Geriausi "American Music Awards" apdovanojimų pasirodymai
Britney užėmė #5 vietą tarp geriausių "American Music Awards" apdovanojimų pasirodymų:
"The American Music Awards has been going for over 40 years, after it launched with Dick Clark in 1973, and it’s fair to say some of the world’s most iconic stars have graced the stage, giving monumental stage performances as well as super star musical collaborations."
"The American Music Awards has been going for over 40 years, after it launched with Dick Clark in 1973, and it’s fair to say some of the world’s most iconic stars have graced the stage, giving monumental stage performances as well as super star musical collaborations."
2014 m. lapkričio 19 d., trečiadienis
"Scream & Shout" skamba "GTA V" žaidime
2014 m. lapkričio 18 d., antradienis
Britney ir Kylie Minogue duetas Giorgio Moroder albume
A major source at Sony confirms that Britney Spears and Kylie will be together in a song. The clubs will explode... #74isthenew24
— Shadow Rumour (@ShadowRumor) November 17, 2014
2014 m. lapkričio 17 d., pirmadienis
Giorgio Moroder žinutė apie naują albumą
@britneyspears @Sia @kylieminogue @charli_xcx @iamfoxes... Ladies are you ready to bring back #disco? #74isthenew24
— Giorgio Moroder (@giorgiomoroder) November 17, 2014
Britney pasirodys naujame Giorgio Moroder albume
"Giorgio Moroder is back with a new solo album!
The legendary producer and songwriter, who helped invent disco in the 1970s withDonna Summer before conjuring the ’80s synth sound of film soundtracks, will release his first solo album in more than 30 years in spring 2015.
Moroder’s long-awaited forthcoming album will feature collaborations with Britney Spears, Sia, Charli XCX, Kylie Minogue, Mikky Ekko, Foxes, Matthew Koma and others. He has signed a worldwide deal with Sony Music International for the release of the set, which will arrive on RCA Records in the United States.
"Sony/RCA constitutes one of the most groundbreaking histories in the world,” Moroder said in a statement. “As my new label, I believe my record will live up to their history, but more importantly, pave the way for the future! Sony from here to eternity."
To celebrate the announcement of his new album, 74-year-old Moroder released the first music video from the set, appropriately titled “74 Is the New 24."
"Dance music doesn’t care where you live,” Moroder said of the new track. “It doesn’t care who your friends are. It doesn’t care how much money you make. It doesn't care if your 74 or if you are 24 because... 74 is the new 24!”
Moroder catapulted back into the spotlight with an unexpected starring role onDaft Punk’s 2013 megahit release Random Access Memories -- a four-time Grammy Award winner, including album of the year. In addition to recently remixing Lady Gaga and Tony Bennett’s “I Can’t Give You Anything but Love” and Coldplay’s “Magic,” he has also been DJ’ing at music festivals around the globe."
Du nauji Britney remiksai
Muzikinis prodiuseris Simon Ellis paviešino du naujus remiksus, vienas iš jų buvo panaudotas 2011 metais MTV VMA apdovanojimu metu, kuomet buvo pristatytas Britney pagerbimo šokis. Antrasis remiksas yra skirtas dainai "Big Fat Bass", pagal kuri Britney atliko pasirodymą reklamuodama savo albumą "Femme Fatale".
2014 m. lapkričio 16 d., sekmadienis
Albumui "In The Zone" sukanka 11 metų
- "In The Zone" pateko į Top-50 svarbiausių dešimtmečio albumų sąrašą
- parduota daugiau nei 11 mln. kopijų visame pasaulyje
- albumas debiutavo pirmoje Billboard 200 pozicijoje
- "Me Against The Music" geriausiai parduodama 2003 metų daina
- "Toxic" įvertintas 4 MTV VMA nominacijomis
- "Toxic" įvertintas Grammy apdovanojimų
- "Toxic" parodė naują muzikinį skambesį šokių pop muzikoje
- mini filmas "Britney Spears In The Zone and out all night: MTV special" laimėjo Emmy apdovanojimą.
2014 m. lapkričio 15 d., šeštadienis
Nauja Britney žinutė
Thanks for all your great questions, everybody!! ❤️ #6SecondsOfSpears was so much fun! https://t.co/BhLiOgXfPW
— Britney Spears (@britneyspears) November 15, 2014
Nauja Britney žinutė
Go call the police, Go call the governor, tomorrow I bring the Q&A Vine event you're waiting for...
— Britney Spears (@britneyspears) November 14, 2014
2014 m. lapkričio 14 d., penktadienis
2014 m. lapkričio 13 d., ketvirtadienis
Britney yra ieškomiausia 2014 metų moteris atlikėja internete
"American singer Britney Spears tops the list of ‘Most searched female celebrity of 2014’. Although she had a breakdown in middle of her career but still she returns back to the music industry with a bang.
According to media reports, along with Britney Spears, other most searched female celebrities include Rihanna followed by German model Lene Gecke, Shakira and Miley Cyrus."
Galimai būsimo Britney albumo informacija
Internete pasirodė štai toks RCA įrašų studijos pranešimas apie 9-ąjį Britney Spears albumą, kuris bus išleistas 2015 metų liepos 31 diena. Ką manote, tikras ar klastotė?
Billboard prisiminimai: Britney interviu su Oprah 2002 metais
Britney Spears was born to make us happy, and for this week's Throwback Thursday, we're looking back at one of her happiest interview moments, where, right before the February 2002 theatrical release of Crossroads, a jubilant 20-year-old Ms. Spears stopped by Oprah to discuss her life as the most famous pop star in the world.
The whole interview is full of the sweetness that Brit is known for, but I want to draw your attention to three specific moments that make this the perfect nostalgia hit from 2002.
1. This interview takes place just a few months after Spears' instantly iconic, instantly parent-angering performance at the VMAs when she appeared with the python around her neck. Oprah Winfrey asked her if maybe that was a little too suggestive, but Spears wants everyone to know that she is shocked, simplyshocked, by the outrage. The snake isn't symbolizing anything! It's a jungle theme, hello?
2. "You've said this in one of your songs, but do you feel like you're between two worlds, the world of the girl and then moving into womanhood?" Winfrey, interviewer, asked Ms. Spears. "Well, that song was written for the movie," Spears replies with a laugh, shrugging off the chance to go deep into her psyche. "I'm Not a Girl" is not Spears' personal battle cry (that honor clearly belongs to "Lucky"). Everything we thought we knew is a lie!
3. On then-boyfriend Justin Timberlake: "I have a ring that he gave me that I wear on my pinky so he started calling me Pinky, and then I started calling him Stinky for some reason [laughs] so that's our nicknames!"
Other things to watch for: Spears looking extremely uncomfortable as she explains she's not losing her virginity until her wedding night, and then Winfrey kindly reminding her that it would be OK if she wound up changing her mind. (Warning: Very weird clip to watch in hindsight!) Bonus: A special taped appearance by Kim Cattrall, who played Spears' mom in Crossroads and wants to tell Oprah's audience that Spears is a "young, beautiful diva."
"The Intimate" kolekcijos staigmenos
Are you excited for tomorrow? #surpriseoftheday #intimatebritneyspears pic.twitter.com/GIhlSvnBPC
— intimate britney (@intimatebritney) November 13, 2014
Leighton Meester kalba apie Britney muziką
"My family was always playing and listening to music. I played piano when I was a kid. I had an older brother and he would make me tapes with Green Day, Soul Asylum, Pearl Jam, the Offspring. I don’t know if it was just because I had a brother who was in middle school when I was a kid but I felt like I had the introduction to more mature music and I was able to outgrow and shun the popular music. Now I look back and think, "Eh, it was kind of fun, like N*SYNC." It’s not really my taste, but that’s what people were into. Were you ever into N*SYNC? I was never into N*SYNC. It was the worst but I can appreciate it now for what it is. At the time, I was like, no. Ricky Martin? No. Some of my friends were going to Good Morning America to see him and wave at him and I was like, "You guys are so stupid." Now, I think Britney Spears and N*SYNC are better than some of the stuff I see."
VEVO paskelbė žiūrimiausius visų laikų vaizdo klipus
"VEVO" paskelbė žiūrimiausius visų laikų vaizdo klipus (turima omenyje laikotarpį kuomet atsirado pats VEVO). #30 vietoje atsidūrė Britney Spears kartu su will.i.am įrašyta daina "Scream & Shout", kuri turi 418 mln. peržiūrų.
17 neišleistų Britney dainų
Tinklapis "Buzzfeed" ir toliau rodo savo begalinę meilę mūsų Britney. Šį kartą jie surinko 17-ą dainų, kurios dėl įvairiausių mums nežinomų priežąsčių nebuvo išleistos. Visas dainas galite peržiūrėti jų puslapyje.
2014 m. lapkričio 12 d., trečiadienis
Charlie Ebersol pasirašė konfidencialumo sutartį
Tuo metu, kai daugumoje porų santykiai prasideda nuo gėlių dovanojimo, Britney pasaulyje pirmiausiai yra pasirašoma būtent tokia sutartis. Pasirašydamas šią sutartį Charlie pasižada niekam nepasakoti apie savo santykius su Britney.
Šaltiniai teigia, kad Britney ir Charlie susipažino jų bendrų draugų dėka, tačiau Britney tėvas, kuris yra jos oficialus globėjas jau pirmo susitikimo metu paprašė, kad būtų pasirašyta sutartis. Jeigu jis pažeis sutartį ir viešai pasakys ką nors apie Britney ar jos tėvą, tuomet jo lauks didžiuliai nemalonumai.
TMZ praneša, kad Charlie žinojo, kad norėdamas patekti į Britney aplinką turės pasirašyti tokią sutartį ir neprieštaravo. Paties Charlio tėvais į šią sutartį žiūri labai rimtai, tačiau daugiau nieko nepakomentavo.
Nauja Britney žinutė
Happy Veterans Day! 🇺🇸 Thank you to all who have served & are serving our country!
— Britney Spears (@britneyspears) November 11, 2014
2014 m. lapkričio 11 d., antradienis
Nukopijuotas "Britney Jean" albumo viršelis
InTouch: Britney Spears gyvenimo istorija
Žurnalas "InTouch" parašė straipsnį apie Britney Spears, kuriame pasakojama jos gyvenimo istorija nuo vaikystės iki juodojo periodo,ir galiausiai vėl sugrįžimo į muzikos olimpą.
Bustle.com: Britney singlai nuo pamiršto iki paties geriausio
"I was in the 6th grade when I first heard Britney Spears’ now iconic debut single, “…Baby One More Time.” It was a game-changing moment for 11-year-old Alex, to say the least. “Who is this girl?” I wondered. “Where did she come from? …And why does she say ‘baby’ like that?” I immediately demanded that my mom drive me to Target so I could buy the CD single. We didn’t have cable, but I relished the opportunity to watch the music video on MTV’s TRL at friends’ houses. There was just something about Spears that was so utterly captivating.
Over 16 years later, there still is.
Sure, she may not dance as well as she used to and we don’t hear her sing live much anymore, but there’s no denying that Spears still has “it.” Charisma, allure, charm, magnetism, “the X factor” — whatever you want to call it — Spears has got it (and she’s got it in spades). Since she first burst onto the scene in 1998, she’s sold over 100 million albums worldwide. Today, people are still flocking in droves (and paying top dollar) to see Spears perform live in her “Britney: Piece of Me” show in Las Vegas. That, my friends, is true star power.
In honor of the 10th anniversary of Spears’ first greatest hits compilation, Greatest Hits: My Prerogative, let’s take a look back at all 39 singles she’s released as a lead artist worldwide — from the totally incredible to the totally forgettable:"
Nauja Britney žinutė
This guy... 😎 pic.twitter.com/29FfVmf3s1
— Britney Spears (@britneyspears) November 10, 2014
2014 m. lapkričio 10 d., pirmadienis
Nicki Minaj: "Britney pasakė man visada išlikti savimi"
"Aš visuomet stengiuosi išeiti iš visų įmanomų ribų, nes aš - Nicki Minaj. Aš taip galvoju. Nepaisant to su kuo aš dirbu ties naujomis dainomis, aš jaučiu, kad turiu pasakyti bent jau vieną dalyką, kurį daugiau niekas kitas negalėjo pasakyti. Ar tai būtų Madonna, Beyonce ar Britney, jos visada man sakė viena: "Taip. Išlik savimi"."
Naujos Britney žinutės
Ladies & gents give it up for Mr @AdamLeber!! One of my best victims yet... muahaha ;) pic.twitter.com/jnWhhebKpw
— Britney Spears (@britneyspears) November 10, 2014
And this girl is such a sweetheart! 😘 @KristinCav pic.twitter.com/vUZdQCmp8E
— Britney Spears (@britneyspears) November 10, 2014
.@MileyCyrus Now you know how I've kept him in line over the years! pic.twitter.com/7K2emDeKsf
— Britney Spears (@britneyspears) November 10, 2014
Penkiasdešimt devintas "Piece Of Me" koncertas Las Vegase
2014 m. lapkričio 9 d., sekmadienis
Britney draugas Charlie jos koncerte
Ar žinojote, kad dabartinis Britney Spears draugas Charlie, dar vasario mėnesio "Piece Of Me" koncerte buvo scenoje atliekant dainą "Freakshow"?
Nauja Britney žinutė
❤️ pic.twitter.com/3hUB9f9Uks
— Britney Spears (@britneyspears) November 9, 2014
2014 m. lapkričio 8 d., šeštadienis
Penkiasdešimt aštuntas "Piece Of Me" koncertas Las Vegase
Nauja Britney žinutė
Tickets to the new #PieceOfMe2015 shows are on sale now :) See you in Vegas next year! http://t.co/gm8ScRGTTQ pic.twitter.com/V4NA3KUZIq
— Britney Spears (@britneyspears) November 8, 2014
InStyle: Britney gauna raktus nuo Las Vegaso
Žurnale "InStyle" pasirodė straipsnis apie lapkričio 5 diena įvykusia Britney dienos šventę Las Vegase:
"November 5 will now forever live in infamy as Britney Day (bitch)! Yesterday our favorite pop queen Britney Spears celebrated the new holiday named in her honor, where she was presented with the key to the City of Las Vegas. During the Spears-centric event—which took place at the at the LINQ Promenade smack in the center of the Las Vegas Strip—the singing sensation (who looked gorgeous in a sparkling black ensemble) was surrounded by her family and tons of adoring fans (pictured above). The festivities included a parade of showgirls, an official proclamation of Britney Day, and ended with Spears being given the key to Las Vegas by Clark County Commissioner Steve Sisolak and Planet Hollywood regional president David Hoenemeyer."
Klausimų ir atsakymų vakaras su Britney
Britney paskelbė, kad kitą šeštadienį mūsų laukia klausimų ir atsakymų vakaras.
You guys have been asking so... Q&A!! Next Sat the 15th at 11am PT on Vine. Send your questions w #6SecondsOfSpears! https://t.co/6WeAEipaYn
— Britney Spears (@britneyspears) November 8, 2014
2014 m. lapkričio 6 d., ketvirtadienis
Naujausi duomenys iš "Piece Of Me" bilietų pardavimų
Pranešimai (Atom)